Thursday, August 25, 2011

Been a long long long week

Day 5 - August 21

Went to Turbo Diva's day with Connie and Nicole. Had a great time, go to see a fashion show and then get free spa services! Carly stayed with Andrea and she had a good time, also took a really good nap for her.

Day 6 - August 22
After school Carly and I went to a meeting then she took a nap and I graded papers! Supper was a twist on pasta carbonara - 1 cup of homemade white sauce, 3 strips of bacon and 1/2 an onion with 1/4 lg zucchini and 2 cups of cavatappi cooked.

Cut up bacon, onion and zucchini - cook until zucchini and onion are transparent.

Begin boiling water when veggies/bacon go in the pan. When boiling add pasta.

When bacon, onion and zucchini are done and pasta is done and drained combine in a large bowl - bacon drippings will coat past and keep it from sticking.

In bacon pan melt 3 T butter on med-high then add 3T flour, whisk for 3-5 minutes then add 1 c. whole milk. Cook until thick and add to bacon/pasta mix. Eat immediately.

Day 7 - August 23
Carly and I visited one of my former students and her new baby. He is adorable - baby Joziah is so tiny. Carly kept rolling over trying to play with him and was hollering at him trying to get his attention and clapping her hands when he finished his bottle....hmmmm.

Day 8 - August 24
MTSS meeting after school. Student Chels watched her for te 40 minutes we are in the meeting. It went well - she only spit up on her twice!

Day 9 - August 25
Playing alumni volleyball tonight - will let you know how it goes.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

He Returns!

Day 3: August 19 - First Friday of the year down! Wheww...couldn't have been better timing :)

That first week is always a killer, maybe it is the emotions and the preparation that wear you out. I was worn out by a baby that didn't want to sleep, not at home, not with grandma, not with the binky, not on her tummy, not even at daycare....insert exasperated sigh and a yawn. Thank goodness Cody was home Thursday night. She fell asleep in the chair with him and if my #R@#RWR#T^Y&*()09876 battery wasn't dead I would have taken a gazillion pictures of the cuteness.

We also got in a mega huge fight. Stress and lack of monnies can really put a damper on marital relations. So we fought it out, I am not proud that I yelled at him in the car, in front of our daughter, in the drive way, in the yard, in front of my dad and stepmother. He is not proud that he did the same. But we got it all off of our chests, felt like asses after and then went to the birthday party. Big 'ole thank you to my Dad and Stepmom for not judging us and for still agreeing to keep Carly for a couple of hours while we attended a grown up birthday party with grown up beverages and grown up talk.

Day 4: August 20 - Saturday, how I missed you. Made a trip down the the Gordorosa to watch the boys pour the floor for the shop/house. Went to The Farm to water the garden and continue the War On Squash Bugs. Then went to Seth and Andrea's, the house is looking AMAZING! Came home for nap time...nothing like snuggle time with the baby. Then on to a friends so Cody could look at an electrical job and home to watch a movie and fold laundry. Saturday was super productive!

Promises will accompany posts when my camera battery is better....curses!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Best fourth, second day ever.

Day 2: August 18

Kel and I talked this we do most mornings (Mr. Highway Patrolman, thank you for not pulling me over when you saw me talking on my phone. I "promise" to put it on speaker phone next time.)

She said her cousin asked her if her first day of school was the best fourth first day ever....couldn't help but laugh, how many first trys does a person get? One each year if you are a teacher!!

Today has been a good day, best fourth, second day ever(Read: taught for 4 yrs, so I have had 4 second days of school each year. Confused yet?)

Hope all the teachery friends are having the best first or second days also!

What could make this better? A couple of cute pic of my baby, that's what!

I can change it if I want to!

RE-DO!! After much careful consideration I have decided to change the start date of my "Every day for a year"...why? Because nothing really changed until yesterday so it seemed weird to have started so early and had nothing to blog about.

Day 1: August 17 (For reals)
First day of school went well for all of us.

Cody likes his classes - said he wasn't the oldest or the most out of shape so he is feeling good about it.

Carly REALLY likes her daycare lady. She is a local mom, I take Carly to her in the morning and her oldest boys (1st and 3rd grade) come to my room at the end of the day. When she brings Carly in she gather's her sons. Her youngest is 16months and says "Hi" to Carly all day long. I feel bad for her :)

School was good for me also. I have lost and gained a few students which is to be expected. The only class I am not liking is 3rd hour and that is great...get it over and done with early. Not necessarily the material, the personality clashes that will occur will not be enjoyable for any of us.

Friday, August 12, 2011

In-service can be used as a form of torture

Day 1 and 2
In-service....both days. I think that many teachers will agree that professional development or in-service can be used as a form of torture.

While my administration would beg to differ (and I can agree that most of the presentations are very productive) I think that they sometimes take what they can get and do not think about the teacher's needs....or if the information could be delivered in a more succinct way.

Is it just me or do most of the presenters see to be newly retired and VERY bland...monotone...biding their time...overly chatty about nothing...beat around the bush...indirect...unsure...etc???

On a positive note: I will have 8th graders for my Intro class...SOOOO EXCITED!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Every day for a year

My cousin Becki is doing a picture-a-day for a year on facebook and it is so much fun...SOOO I am going to do my own little "re-mix" of that here.

No guarantees that I will post or even have a picture for each day but there will be something stated about each day for one year.

Why now?? Why this year?? Why not last year or next year?? Because this year is going to be unique, Cody is going to lineman school and will be there for 4 days a week so Carly and I will be juggling life alone for 4 days a week...don't worry Cody is leaving me the dog and a shot gun :) for those who have never seen me wield a gun HEY INTERNETS, I AM A HUNTER AND A HECKUVA GOOD SHOT,GO AHEAD...MAKE MY DAY! Don't believe me?? Ask my husband or my dad about the last time we shot clays. They had a small issue with the wind...I had no issue with the wind thankyouverymuch!

This is all until next week when "Every day for a year" begins...
Welcome to my world. Nothing too exciting going on here....I am a teacher and enjoy telling my friends about the interesting things that happen in my daily life. I find the most pleasure in the simple things that occur daily. Like the brilliant sunsets as I drive home from work or the way Maggie whimpers and paws when she dreams in the kitchen or the way Cody starts my car when he leaves for work just because he knows I don't like to be cold.