Thursday, July 29, 2010

It moved

So Baby T has been moving every day for about 5 days now which is good, I think. I am 20 weeks so it's about time for this. Felt Baby T at about 18 weeks for the first time and only spiratically since then.

Yesterday Baby T was moving LOTS, probably doing flips and somersaults and who knows what else but it was making me nauseous. First thought "Sit down and hold still for a little while!" Second Thought "Oh no!! I've turned into MY MOTHER!"

Cody is excited for Baby T to kick hard enough for him to not so much except that it will make him feel good. I think he feels left out.

Cody is also excited for when "nesting" kicks in because the house is a total wreck! Most of the summer has been spent napping, eating, mowing and gardening...not house cleaning.

Monday, July 19, 2010

More forgetful....

What is worse than being super forgetful? Being more forgetful. I am going to have to start up with the white board marker on the mirror again. Here is a list of the things I have forgotten in the past week alone.

1. Why I went in ________ room.
2. To pee when I was in the bathroom.
3. To feed the dog.
4. To feed myself (didn't forget this for long).
5. To go to my Grandma's house (had a melt down when I called her and apologized like a drunken sorority girl at the bar that just threw up on her self...she laughed at me.)
6. To schedule next doctor's appointment.
7. That my cousin was home from Iraq. (he walked in the door at my mom's to get his daughter and I had a "just saw a ghost" moment)
8. To take the clothes off the line. (they were there for 3 days)
9. Where I parked my car at the fair grounds. (The WOODSON COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS!)
10. Why the timer was going off. (Thank goodness Cody remembered supper was in there)

This is the most irritating part of pregnancy so far. I feel like a really emotionally unstable Alzheimer's patient....Cody thinks I'm crazy.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Gaining weight

So I was a little sick in the begining but more than that I just plain wasn't hungry...which is strange if you remember all the times I forgot we were having dinner at someone elses house and ate at Clovia, then ate again wherever we ended up.

Then I got sick (ill) which ended up working well for Tina's bachelorette party since no one expects a sick person to drink, but it was bad because I lost more weight.

Began my pregnancy at 135 and at my last appointment 2 weeks ago I was 126 which means I have finally started gaining some weight since I was hovering around 120-125ish, this is good because the baby is also begining to grow more rapidly. The doctor told me not to worry unless the weight loss continued after the morning sickness was gone.

Since the weight gain has began I hope the energy level starts to increase also...canning should begin this week!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cloth Diapering

I love the earth. I love conserving the earth and all its wonderful resources so the grand idea was this: If I am home for almost 2 months with a newborn and then Baby T goes to daycare for 4ish months then I am home for a few more I could use cloth diapers for at least the first year then I am making an environmental impact, saving $, and setting a good example!

However there is a lot more to cloth diapering and I am not sure my ADD is up to the challenge, especially with my aversion to laundry.

Cloth diapers have changed A SHIT TON since even we were mom used them on me during the weekends and nights and then disposables were sent to daycare for daytime...this seems like a good compromise until I looked at the price of today's cloth diapers.

Diaper covers : $15 each, recommended to have 12-20. ($180 - $300)
Diaper inserts: $3 each, recommended to have 30. ($90)

These prices are for the "one size fits all" kind where they are adjustable so you can use them from newborn until potty training. However the single size ones are still around $10 each.

Plus there are a lot of no-no's: No regular diaper rash creams, no regular wash cycles with other types of clothing, must use special soap, some you have to "scotch guard", some you have to remove and change velcro every few months....uhhhhhh.

I am going with disposable...we will see about some cloth diapers next summer... nobody hold your breath.
Welcome to my world. Nothing too exciting going on here....I am a teacher and enjoy telling my friends about the interesting things that happen in my daily life. I find the most pleasure in the simple things that occur daily. Like the brilliant sunsets as I drive home from work or the way Maggie whimpers and paws when she dreams in the kitchen or the way Cody starts my car when he leaves for work just because he knows I don't like to be cold.