Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Plans and Choices

First you make plans then you make choices to either see the plans through, change the plans or ditch the plans.

I planned on marrying off my best friend,  blogging twice a week, sorting out the basement, cleaning the stuff you don't do each week unless you are my grandma or Heloise (baseboards, windows, behind the fridge, etc) organizing the house, rearranging the bedroom, loosing 5 pounds, going on morning walks with Carly, canning bushels of tomatoes, salsa, and pasta sauce among other lofty goals of the summer.

I chose to clean out 2 totes in the basement, reorganize the cabinet with the pans in it, canned 15 pints of salsa 25 quarts of salsa or pasta sauce with my SIL, made 2 quart baggies of sun dried tomatoes, froze a gallon bag of basil,  let the garden go a week ago. Spent a lot of time on short walks, spent a lot more time watering the garden, and a lot more on the living room floor playing with Carly or with the girls and their kids. I only got the baseboards wiped down!

And of course Kelly made a beautiful bride and we had a great weekend!

There were lots of things on my list to do and a few got done, but we made a lot more memories. So I suppose it is only fitting that a week and a half before school begins I start blogging again....such is life. So I leave you with a few pictures of my summer!

Carly loved putting Daddy's change in her piggy bank.

 Thank you Daddy and Maggie for putting up the swing set!

Ellie and Carly taking turns in the car on the 4th of July.

            All the kids enjoying the BBQ!

Becca and Carly playing on the new swing set. 

And having a sleep over!! 
Carly is really into silverware right now. She needs a fork or spoon for everything. This is cereal, with a splash of milk and a "Bid poon" aka a big spoon which is just a regular spoon but she doesn't want her kid sized ones anymore.

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Welcome to my world. Nothing too exciting going on here....I am a teacher and enjoy telling my friends about the interesting things that happen in my daily life. I find the most pleasure in the simple things that occur daily. Like the brilliant sunsets as I drive home from work or the way Maggie whimpers and paws when she dreams in the kitchen or the way Cody starts my car when he leaves for work just because he knows I don't like to be cold.