Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hear me internets....

I really need you to hear me today internets. I need to tell you things that shouldn't be told to the internets. I need you to hear me with an open heart and mind and not judge. I need you to not think I am a bad person or a terrible friend because I think that of myself.

9 months ago I had a baby.

9 months ago I did (or rather didn't) do something I should have.

9 months ago I made it very clear to my family and the family of my husband to NOT put anything about our daughter's birth on the internet until we had a chance to tell close family and friends. It happened anyways.

9 months ago I relied on a text message to reach someone very important and it didn't happen.

9 months ago my best friend in the whole wide world found out after a few million people that our beautiful baby girl had arrived and she was devastated - and so was I.

9 months ago my best friend and I got in a ginormous fight... in the hospital...and she compared me to someone who has done very little good in her life...someone who hurts her over and over again.

9 months ago I cried holding our beautiful baby and I felt like having her ripped my deepest friendship apart.

9 months ago the doctors thought I had a severe case of post-partum depression because I couldn't look at my baby with out crying (and not the happy kind of tears)

9 months ago I told my husband that I wasn't sure how I could be a good mother if I couldn't even be a good friend.

9 months ago I sat in a bathroom and cried and yelled and screamed and cursed at my husband because my nutso hormones made me irrational and my fear got the best of me.

9 months ago I told my husband that I didn't want to be a mother and I didn't want to have a baby and even though I loved her and him I didn't like how my life had changed.

9 months ago I cried in public and begged my husband to take me home because I felt like everyone around me knew the horrible thing I had done and could see my shame.

Yesterday my best friend in the whole wide world and I talked about the "elephant in the room".

Yesterday we said good bye to another good friend and I think it prompted our conversation.

Yesterday I told her all these things that I had never told anyone before.

Yesterday I held my baby and told her that I didn't like being pregnant but I liked being her mommy.

Yesterday I tried to explain myself to my husband and he just hugged me and gave me a kiss.

Yesterday I found peace.

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Welcome to my world. Nothing too exciting going on here....I am a teacher and enjoy telling my friends about the interesting things that happen in my daily life. I find the most pleasure in the simple things that occur daily. Like the brilliant sunsets as I drive home from work or the way Maggie whimpers and paws when she dreams in the kitchen or the way Cody starts my car when he leaves for work just because he knows I don't like to be cold.