Friday, October 24, 2008

Many types of dermatitis

So...there seem to be many types of dermatitis. Which makes sense since "derma" is the skin and the "itis" part means inflamed. Which explains why my lips burn! Yes, lips! I went to the doctor today about my fluffy, itchy, bumpy, oozy (making you a little hot around the collar eh??) red, tingly lips. It looked similar to when I had poison ivy but felt a lot different.

Before my lips felt like bumpy leather that was itchy but painful because they were so swollen.

Now they feel like I have put on the lip plumper stuff and they tingle ALOT, like someone is tickling my lips and it is pissing me off.

So I went to the doctor he poked and proded as doctors do and after running the gammet of possiblities he decided that I have a lip dermatitis which he thinks is acually going to turn into one big cold sore on both of my lips --which I guess would technically be two.

I have some pills that look like tic-tacs and taste like chalk but after just two pills my lips are less swollen.

While this may seem like a bad deal I am trying to look at the bright side....there are certain things I can't do in my condition that involve predominantly the lips. I may have lip dermatitis forever!

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Welcome to my world. Nothing too exciting going on here....I am a teacher and enjoy telling my friends about the interesting things that happen in my daily life. I find the most pleasure in the simple things that occur daily. Like the brilliant sunsets as I drive home from work or the way Maggie whimpers and paws when she dreams in the kitchen or the way Cody starts my car when he leaves for work just because he knows I don't like to be cold.