Friday, November 29, 2013

Just a little after Thanksgiving

A couple of years ago I tried to do this thing called Every Day for a Year or ED4AY. My cousin did it on Facebook where she took a picture every day for a year.

That didn't work out so good for me because I tried to make a blog post every day for a year.

I lasted 4 days.

I then tried last year to do "Thanksvember". This is where I would post every few days and do the "What am I thankful for today" thing. Also a fail, I did not attempt to repeat.

So this year I did a "Thanksvember" redo - I decided to find something every day to be thankful for and pray about it on the way to school/work or in the shower if there was no work.

I found the last part to be hardest because if there is not work and no where for me to go - why would I shower? What happens on days where I don't need a shower?

Yeah, I am one of those people that don't shower every day - whats it to ya? I don't need to, I always smell like roses. Okay, not always, but if I am just cleaning house and playing with the little people play set with Carly I am NOT dirty enough to shower. Water conservation aka - lazy!

Back to the point of this - I was successful in this endeavor. I did find something each day, it wasn't hard at all. I am much better at saying thank you than asking for help. I blame it on the Cope/Ralstin combo of genetics. 

Those days when there was no work or shower, remembering was usually bed time and Carly would say her nightly prayer "Thank you Lord for a good day, Amen" and I would silently in my head say "Shit! I forgot to pray for something I am thankful for!" yes, sometimes I curse when I am in Jesus mode - I am me, Jesus and God know I curse all the time, no use pretending to be something I am not when I pray. I imagine them giving me a  frowny face as Peter writes on a sheet saying "She'll account for that one later." Does it deter me, yes, have I cut way back, yes, am I cured...hell heck no.

I am almost always thankful for something trivial.
*Thank you for a sound sleep last night
*Thank you for Cody having a job
*Thank you for there being enough french fries for tator tot casserole last night after I told Carly we were having it and then forgot we ate all the tator tots.
*Thank you for a cloudy morning so I don't have to drive in to the sun
*Thank you for making that deer stay on the side of the road

I think those are the best things to be thankful for because they help you to see that there are a lot of things going right in your life. If you focus only on the bad then all you see is the bad.

So a little past Thanksgiving I am still going to do "Thanksvember", and maybe I will do "Thankscember" also.

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Welcome to my world. Nothing too exciting going on here....I am a teacher and enjoy telling my friends about the interesting things that happen in my daily life. I find the most pleasure in the simple things that occur daily. Like the brilliant sunsets as I drive home from work or the way Maggie whimpers and paws when she dreams in the kitchen or the way Cody starts my car when he leaves for work just because he knows I don't like to be cold.