Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oh deer!

Yep, deer with 2 e's. I crunched one yesterday morning, airbags deflated, broke out the headlights, pushed the radiator back and bent the radiator brackets..the best part was that I was driving the new red school van! YAY! I am ok, van is not. Not totaled but it will be pricey to fix. Luckily the school is not mad. I feel pretty crappy though considering it was the new van and most small school's can't afford to get new anything very often.

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Welcome to my world. Nothing too exciting going on here....I am a teacher and enjoy telling my friends about the interesting things that happen in my daily life. I find the most pleasure in the simple things that occur daily. Like the brilliant sunsets as I drive home from work or the way Maggie whimpers and paws when she dreams in the kitchen or the way Cody starts my car when he leaves for work just because he knows I don't like to be cold.