One of such mentioned blogs said that to be a successful blogger you need to have direction in your blog and write about a passion.
Which is great advice-kind of. My passions include eating, napping (not so much sleeping - a post for later), teaching, crafting, cooking and friend/family time, reading - mostly smut and historical fiction, oh! and crime novels.
Here is the "kind of" part. Passion is abundant in my life but direction is not. It is like on Dispicable Me when Vector (my favorite character in this particular movie) explains his name "I go by Vector. It's a mathematical term, represented by an arrow with both direction and magnitude. Vector! That's me, because I commit crimes with both direction and magnitude. Oh yeah".
So I have the magnitude part but not the direction part.
I think teaching and other educational things would be good topics but there are all these "laws" about privacy and what no, that I don't think I can write about just that.
Napping is a serious passion of mine but not good blog fodder. I should do a post on my napping vs. sleeping philosophy.
Eating is a great blog topic but I am not a foodie or a good photographer and I forget to take a picture until half the casserole is gone - you know how appealing a half eating shepherd's pie is??? It looks awfully close to the bottom of a trash can but it tastes SOOO GOOOD... okay, cooking blog is also out of the question.
Crafting is out too. I do "crafts for real people" not that ambitious stuff on pinterest.
Reading seems like a great topic, people are really into smut currently with 50 Shades of Grey being so popular but I don't think I want to give suggestions on books, as my tastes in smut are varied and depend on the author. While I like a little action and a lot of romance in my smut I mostly enjoy the banter and character development. SERIOUSLY!!
This is one of my FAVORITES!! It is Rule, by Jay Crownover. This book is yummy!! |
So we are basically no where...just me trying to figure out which direction and with how much magnitude this should be pursued.
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