One of my fav blogs... Hello...From the Nato's. is giving away a bajillion things. For reals.
Check it out...and not just that post, she has some great Black Bean Brownies which my students thought tasted like dirt and the teachers's because of our advanced pallets. DUH!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Dear Blogger
December 7, 2012
123 Blogger Street
P.O. Box 456
Bloggertown, BT 78910
Dear Blogger -
I have been teaching my students to write courteous complaint letters so I am modeling that now. Your schedule function is not working correctly. It is making me very annoyed because I like to blog a few times then not post them all at once. However; your non working function is making that impossible. Things are not showing up when they are supposed to.
I would appreciate it if you could give me some feed back on what I am doing wrong, or fix the issue. I like all other aspects of your service and would like to continue use with Blogger.
I look forward to a speedy conclusion to this issue. Thank you for your time.
Kayla Taylor
Kayla Taylor
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Thankful November Part 3
First - this was supposed to post on the 20th..not sure why it didn't. Sorry!
Knock Knock
Who's there?
It's me!
Me who?
You forgot about me already?
Time for the third installment of "Thankful November"
November 14 - I am thankful for my car. It gets us where we need to be safely and without worry. It has high mpg and is very comfy. I have driven cars that were not so good (I miss you Milliemobile) like windows don't roll down (oh yeah, like the time you go pulled over and had to open the door to talk to the officer who proceeded to laugh but still gave you a ticket...nice guy!), no heat, be sure to check the oil before you go ANYWHERE kind of cars. So today I am thankful that we have transportation that is not sketchy.
November 15- I am thankful for my co-workers. They bring joy to my day and are a source of assistance. While I sometimes wish for a quiet lunchtime having them all in my room is funny and loud and it is nice to have some adult interaction midway through the day.
November 16- I am thankful for my student aid. She is a great senior and has a fun sense of humor. As an FCCLA officer she has been doing lots of work for me this year and our chapter is running quite smoothly.
November 17- I am thankful for our dog Maggie. She is Carly's friend and pillow. She hears Carly stir before we do and she lays beside her whenever she can. Carly likes to hug Mags goodbye before we leave for school, just like she does with Daddy. I am so happy my girl has this furry friend, even if she does call her Baggie.
November 18- I am thankful for friends with skills today. Especially my friend Jessie who does some BA photography work. She took family pictures for us and it was great, there were some beautiful shots of our little family. Earlier in the day Carly decided to only take a 20 minute nap and then get all squirrely and combative after the outdoor photos but hey...Jessie has a sweet play kitchen in her studio and all Carly wanted to do was play with the cool new toys. So the second part of our real fun day was shot to hell - we are going to try again on Wednesday. That's the beauty of having your friends do stuff for you, you make them do it again and they don't complain because you are friends and you have a really cute kid that thinks "Essie" is the bees knees. Who uses old cliches like that...I do, deal.
November 19- I am thankful for running water and a sense of humor. Carly pooped in the bathtub AGAIN and this time I was surprised because she didn't get all silent and stop splashing or start grunting she just yelled "Done mama!" so I went in the bathroom and was surprised and said "Oh Damnit!" real real real loud and sort of exclamationy. Carly then, of course, looked at the poop and repeated "Oh damnit, oh damnit...ohhhh damNIT" over and over and over. I had to leave the bathroom I was laughing too hard. you left your kid in the bathtub not once but two times, the second with some poo in there with her? You are a horrible mother. Don't get all judgey on me...I was in the hallway the whole time, BESIDE the DOOR. She's a shy bather. Anyways the "oh damnits" got more and more destressed and that made me laugh harder and harder, like cry down my legs hard. So I fished out the poop, let the water out, rinsed the baby, cleaned the tub, rewashed the baby and then had a glass of wine. Drinking and poor parenting....tisk tisk.
November 20- I am thankful for vacations. I like my job and my students but sometimes it is nice to not think about it for a bit. I go home each day and do some laundry, wash dishes, feed my family and then grade papers or plan for work doesn't stay at work. It is nice to have a job but also nice to have a break.
Knock Knock
Who's there?
It's me!
Me who?
You forgot about me already?
Time for the third installment of "Thankful November"
November 14 - I am thankful for my car. It gets us where we need to be safely and without worry. It has high mpg and is very comfy. I have driven cars that were not so good (I miss you Milliemobile) like windows don't roll down (oh yeah, like the time you go pulled over and had to open the door to talk to the officer who proceeded to laugh but still gave you a ticket...nice guy!), no heat, be sure to check the oil before you go ANYWHERE kind of cars. So today I am thankful that we have transportation that is not sketchy.
November 15- I am thankful for my co-workers. They bring joy to my day and are a source of assistance. While I sometimes wish for a quiet lunchtime having them all in my room is funny and loud and it is nice to have some adult interaction midway through the day.
November 16- I am thankful for my student aid. She is a great senior and has a fun sense of humor. As an FCCLA officer she has been doing lots of work for me this year and our chapter is running quite smoothly.
November 17- I am thankful for our dog Maggie. She is Carly's friend and pillow. She hears Carly stir before we do and she lays beside her whenever she can. Carly likes to hug Mags goodbye before we leave for school, just like she does with Daddy. I am so happy my girl has this furry friend, even if she does call her Baggie.
November 18- I am thankful for friends with skills today. Especially my friend Jessie who does some BA photography work. She took family pictures for us and it was great, there were some beautiful shots of our little family. Earlier in the day Carly decided to only take a 20 minute nap and then get all squirrely and combative after the outdoor photos but hey...Jessie has a sweet play kitchen in her studio and all Carly wanted to do was play with the cool new toys. So the second part of our real fun day was shot to hell - we are going to try again on Wednesday. That's the beauty of having your friends do stuff for you, you make them do it again and they don't complain because you are friends and you have a really cute kid that thinks "Essie" is the bees knees. Who uses old cliches like that...I do, deal.
November 19- I am thankful for running water and a sense of humor. Carly pooped in the bathtub AGAIN and this time I was surprised because she didn't get all silent and stop splashing or start grunting she just yelled "Done mama!" so I went in the bathroom and was surprised and said "Oh Damnit!" real real real loud and sort of exclamationy. Carly then, of course, looked at the poop and repeated "Oh damnit, oh damnit...ohhhh damNIT" over and over and over. I had to leave the bathroom I was laughing too hard. you left your kid in the bathtub not once but two times, the second with some poo in there with her? You are a horrible mother. Don't get all judgey on me...I was in the hallway the whole time, BESIDE the DOOR. She's a shy bather. Anyways the "oh damnits" got more and more destressed and that made me laugh harder and harder, like cry down my legs hard. So I fished out the poop, let the water out, rinsed the baby, cleaned the tub, rewashed the baby and then had a glass of wine. Drinking and poor parenting....tisk tisk.
November 20- I am thankful for vacations. I like my job and my students but sometimes it is nice to not think about it for a bit. I go home each day and do some laundry, wash dishes, feed my family and then grade papers or plan for work doesn't stay at work. It is nice to have a job but also nice to have a break.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thankful Part 2
Part 2 of Thankful November is here!!
We thought you weren't coming back.
Common misconception, you need to have more faith in my return....apparently we are still in the "trust vs. mistrust" stage - lets work on that.
Seriously, an Erickson reference, at 10:30 at night, on a Tuesday?
Yeah, get over a bunch of people have to Google "Erickson, trust vs mistrust".
November 5 - I am thankful for my job. While it is not always super fun it is a great job with great co-workers, administrators, students and parents. I can not think of a better place to teach at right now. The support from this community has been fantastic, it makes me feel like teaching was the best choice I could have made with my college degree.
November 6 - I am thankful for my dad (Happy Birthday DAD!) You are super funny and always know random stuff that makes me smile, and sometimes helps me win knowledge bets.
November 7 - I am thankful for friends who understand my obsession with books and at times get my jokes, like when I use the reference "shouty capitals" and my co-worker almost spits milk out her nose during lunch. You know it's a good day when there is almost a nose spew.
November 8 - I am thankful for my sister. Carly has an amazing aunt whom she calls "Kee Kaw" we have no idea why. She loves Kee Kaw and gets really excited when she calls, Caitlin is one of the few people Carly actually talks to on the phone. Talk - read: says one or two word phrases like "lunch, eat it, pizza, more bites, Baggie house, some" which translates to "We had lunch, I ate some, it was pizza. Maggie is in the house, I threw a fit at the end of lunch and when mom told me to take more bites I gave some to Maggie instead." Somehow my sister gets the translation - this is why she is getting a degree in early childhood education, because she is totes awesome.
November 9 - I am thankful for my step mom (Happy Birthday KIM!) I am glad you are part of our family. You keep my dad in line and give a healthy dose of sarcasm to everything we do. You also write a mean newspaper - OH COME ON DAD....we all know who really runs the show, you are just the writer (hee hee)
November 10 - I am thankful for Saturdays and sleeping in and also cuddling with my daughter until 7:30 in the morning, even with the crazy time change just a week ago, she still slept past 6:00! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
November 11 - I am thankful that my husband is home safely - he went to South Dakota for a hunting trip and came home much more relaxed and happier - he needed a mancation. Plus he brought home some delicious phesant.
November 12 - I am thankful for Mondays. I dislike them, but am thankful for them because one day it won't matter that it is Monday and the beginning of the work week. I could be retired or unemployed. But for now there are Mondays and Mondays are good because that means I have a job and we have a solid income we can depend on, we might squeak by but we are squeaking still!
November 13 - I am thankful for job interviews. My husband had one today and while he might not get the job. Knowing that someone liked him enough to give him a job interview is pretty exciting. We will know if he got the job on Friday - until then, my 15 followers, send a little prayer for us - espeically for my wonderful husband who really really wants this job.
We thought you weren't coming back.
Common misconception, you need to have more faith in my return....apparently we are still in the "trust vs. mistrust" stage - lets work on that.
Seriously, an Erickson reference, at 10:30 at night, on a Tuesday?
Yeah, get over a bunch of people have to Google "Erickson, trust vs mistrust".
November 5 - I am thankful for my job. While it is not always super fun it is a great job with great co-workers, administrators, students and parents. I can not think of a better place to teach at right now. The support from this community has been fantastic, it makes me feel like teaching was the best choice I could have made with my college degree.
November 6 - I am thankful for my dad (Happy Birthday DAD!) You are super funny and always know random stuff that makes me smile, and sometimes helps me win knowledge bets.
November 7 - I am thankful for friends who understand my obsession with books and at times get my jokes, like when I use the reference "shouty capitals" and my co-worker almost spits milk out her nose during lunch. You know it's a good day when there is almost a nose spew.
November 8 - I am thankful for my sister. Carly has an amazing aunt whom she calls "Kee Kaw" we have no idea why. She loves Kee Kaw and gets really excited when she calls, Caitlin is one of the few people Carly actually talks to on the phone. Talk - read: says one or two word phrases like "lunch, eat it, pizza, more bites, Baggie house, some" which translates to "We had lunch, I ate some, it was pizza. Maggie is in the house, I threw a fit at the end of lunch and when mom told me to take more bites I gave some to Maggie instead." Somehow my sister gets the translation - this is why she is getting a degree in early childhood education, because she is totes awesome.
November 9 - I am thankful for my step mom (Happy Birthday KIM!) I am glad you are part of our family. You keep my dad in line and give a healthy dose of sarcasm to everything we do. You also write a mean newspaper - OH COME ON DAD....we all know who really runs the show, you are just the writer (hee hee)
November 10 - I am thankful for Saturdays and sleeping in and also cuddling with my daughter until 7:30 in the morning, even with the crazy time change just a week ago, she still slept past 6:00! Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
November 11 - I am thankful that my husband is home safely - he went to South Dakota for a hunting trip and came home much more relaxed and happier - he needed a mancation. Plus he brought home some delicious phesant.
November 12 - I am thankful for Mondays. I dislike them, but am thankful for them because one day it won't matter that it is Monday and the beginning of the work week. I could be retired or unemployed. But for now there are Mondays and Mondays are good because that means I have a job and we have a solid income we can depend on, we might squeak by but we are squeaking still!
November 13 - I am thankful for job interviews. My husband had one today and while he might not get the job. Knowing that someone liked him enough to give him a job interview is pretty exciting. We will know if he got the job on Friday - until then, my 15 followers, send a little prayer for us - espeically for my wonderful husband who really really wants this job.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Thankful part 1
November 1 - I am thankful for our family they are pretty great to us, this past year and a half would have been much harder with out all of them.
November 2 - I am thankful for my bestie Kel who knows me all too well and still loves me. She is a fantastic person and a great listener, especially on long drives when a person is super sleepy and on the way to school.
November 3 - I am thankful for my mom who bought me a stainless steel Sunbeam mixer because I wanted it and we were at an auction and she was kicking major but in the auction....she also got a set of ladies golf clubs which my step dad called me to inform "Your mom bought this golf bag and clubs for $35 and it has $30 worth of balls in it, she keeps opening pockets and balls keep rolling out and she found some shoes and gloves and deodorant, she made so much money today" Yep, my finder and keeper of the used deodorant from an auction - okay, maybe not keeper.
November 4 - I am thankful for a husband who understands when I am at my wits end and entertains out daughter all day so I can write a crazy long paper for my masters classes. He is the light of my world and a fantastic father and husband who on occasion does the dishes and bought a new vacuum because he didn't like vacuuming with the old one!
November 2 - I am thankful for my bestie Kel who knows me all too well and still loves me. She is a fantastic person and a great listener, especially on long drives when a person is super sleepy and on the way to school.
November 3 - I am thankful for my mom who bought me a stainless steel Sunbeam mixer because I wanted it and we were at an auction and she was kicking major but in the auction....she also got a set of ladies golf clubs which my step dad called me to inform "Your mom bought this golf bag and clubs for $35 and it has $30 worth of balls in it, she keeps opening pockets and balls keep rolling out and she found some shoes and gloves and deodorant, she made so much money today" Yep, my finder and keeper of the used deodorant from an auction - okay, maybe not keeper.
November 4 - I am thankful for a husband who understands when I am at my wits end and entertains out daughter all day so I can write a crazy long paper for my masters classes. He is the light of my world and a fantastic father and husband who on occasion does the dishes and bought a new vacuum because he didn't like vacuuming with the old one!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Thankful November and other November only things
There are a bazillion people doing "Thankful November" on their facebook walls each and every day.
As you all know I have tried the "post stuff every day thing" and it fails miserably each time.
yeah, we know, we read each day for the first two days and then came back for another week and there were no posts. Do you even know how this blog thing works?
YES, I know how this blog thing works...gezz, get off my back.
I have devised a plan to do a modified "Thankful November" in which I post about each day just not on each day. We will see how it goes.
I am also participating in "No Shave November" in which I will refuse to shave, except my armpits - those are a must. My husband loves this one!!
Yeah, I bet he loves it, about as much as he loves when you ask him to rub your feet and take out the trash.
But I will not participate in "Movember" as I am not yet in menopause and can not grow a mustache, this one I leave to men with enough testosterone to grow facial hair and most women over 60.
As you all know I have tried the "post stuff every day thing" and it fails miserably each time.
yeah, we know, we read each day for the first two days and then came back for another week and there were no posts. Do you even know how this blog thing works?
YES, I know how this blog thing works...gezz, get off my back.
I have devised a plan to do a modified "Thankful November" in which I post about each day just not on each day. We will see how it goes.
I am also participating in "No Shave November" in which I will refuse to shave, except my armpits - those are a must. My husband loves this one!!
Yeah, I bet he loves it, about as much as he loves when you ask him to rub your feet and take out the trash.
But I will not participate in "Movember" as I am not yet in menopause and can not grow a mustache, this one I leave to men with enough testosterone to grow facial hair and most women over 60.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Please Read and Follow the Directions
Did you ever have a teacher that tested your ability to follow directions? Gave you a quiz that said in the directions "Write your name at the top of the page, read to the last question, and answer it only." and then the last question said "Draw a picture of anything on this question and wait ten minutes after you finish drawing to turn it in." Then your classmates or you, would be feverishly working because you only had 20 minutes to do a front and back quiz!!!! Just to get to the bottom and realize it was a trick...dang teachers making us follow the directions and making us look like fools when we don't.
I have a guilty pleasure - reading the internet news on my homepage. Sometimes it is cute things, sometimes it is radical things and sometimes it is absolutely rediculous.
Today a feature was a girl who did not get to go to a dance because she had an overdue library book.
My first response was - good for her, she was reading...wonder what it was?
Then I realized she was pitching a fit because she didn't follow directions - she said the school didn't tell her when the book was due, and she spent so much money on a dress, etc.
When you enroll you get a student handbook - this is standard procedure at each and every school, in it states the eligibility rules for various events.
Our school has a policy that if you are on the D and F grade list you can not participate in school functions for the next week - NONE, including sporting events, club activities that take you away for the day (like FCCLA conferences or a Scholar Bowl event), class activities (even senior trip!), and fun things (like Homecoming and Prom)....if you are a Homecoming candidate and your grades slip the last week before homecoming...sorry Charlie- you are out.
This is a well known policy and in my opinion a good one, not every school has it.
In my opinion students need to be taking more responsibility and initiative in their life. Most expect you as a teacher or parent to hand feed them exactly what they need to do and remind them several times - not so in my classroom. If you are absent your paper/notes/what we did for the day gets put in the "Absent Work" folder on the wall by the door and it is your responsibility to get it and turn it in. If you do not I will give you a zero because that is what you earned.
This is not to say that I am a heartless teacher, I will remind students of things to a point. If a child has been gone for many days they get a checklist showing what they are missing and when I expect each paper/notes/project to be turned in. My tests clearly state "Use complete sentences (this includes capital letter, correct grammar and punctuation)". However, if they can not or will not follow directions - they get the grade they earn unless I have made a mistake - which happens more often than I would like.
Okay - I am going to hop down off my soap box.
I have a guilty pleasure - reading the internet news on my homepage. Sometimes it is cute things, sometimes it is radical things and sometimes it is absolutely rediculous.
Today a feature was a girl who did not get to go to a dance because she had an overdue library book.
My first response was - good for her, she was reading...wonder what it was?
Then I realized she was pitching a fit because she didn't follow directions - she said the school didn't tell her when the book was due, and she spent so much money on a dress, etc.
When you enroll you get a student handbook - this is standard procedure at each and every school, in it states the eligibility rules for various events.
Our school has a policy that if you are on the D and F grade list you can not participate in school functions for the next week - NONE, including sporting events, club activities that take you away for the day (like FCCLA conferences or a Scholar Bowl event), class activities (even senior trip!), and fun things (like Homecoming and Prom)....if you are a Homecoming candidate and your grades slip the last week before homecoming...sorry Charlie- you are out.
This is a well known policy and in my opinion a good one, not every school has it.
In my opinion students need to be taking more responsibility and initiative in their life. Most expect you as a teacher or parent to hand feed them exactly what they need to do and remind them several times - not so in my classroom. If you are absent your paper/notes/what we did for the day gets put in the "Absent Work" folder on the wall by the door and it is your responsibility to get it and turn it in. If you do not I will give you a zero because that is what you earned.
This is not to say that I am a heartless teacher, I will remind students of things to a point. If a child has been gone for many days they get a checklist showing what they are missing and when I expect each paper/notes/project to be turned in. My tests clearly state "Use complete sentences (this includes capital letter, correct grammar and punctuation)". However, if they can not or will not follow directions - they get the grade they earn unless I have made a mistake - which happens more often than I would like.
Okay - I am going to hop down off my soap box.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Grad School
Not sure when I decided that grad school was a good idea but I take it back.
It is not overly difficult, it is just one more thing that I don't have enough time to devote 100% to. Honestly after supper and getting Carly to bed I want to just snuggle on the couch with my husband and watch some NCIS or New Girl. Instead I am up until midnight two or three nights a week trying to write papers and organize my brain.
If I had only taken one class this semester it would probably be better - but it would take me so long to finish. I figure if I take 6 hours a semester and summer I can be done in two and a half years. We shall see.
I do like Emporia State University - the Early Childhood Master's program is pretty great and my adviser is nice, she is also one of the professors I will have throughout so that is extra good.
I hope to not wish I had made a different choice as my professional goal is to teach Child Development as a dual credit course - but to teach dual credit you have to have a masters and be affiliated with a goes nothing!
It is not overly difficult, it is just one more thing that I don't have enough time to devote 100% to. Honestly after supper and getting Carly to bed I want to just snuggle on the couch with my husband and watch some NCIS or New Girl. Instead I am up until midnight two or three nights a week trying to write papers and organize my brain.
If I had only taken one class this semester it would probably be better - but it would take me so long to finish. I figure if I take 6 hours a semester and summer I can be done in two and a half years. We shall see.
I do like Emporia State University - the Early Childhood Master's program is pretty great and my adviser is nice, she is also one of the professors I will have throughout so that is extra good.
I hope to not wish I had made a different choice as my professional goal is to teach Child Development as a dual credit course - but to teach dual credit you have to have a masters and be affiliated with a goes nothing!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Just a little Corny
I tend to be just a little corny, but that is okay. I like that sometimes most of the time I am the only one who thinks I'm funny. This post is about another kind of corny...crafty corny. I made these beautiful centerpieces using things I had here at my home.
First you will need to find some dry corn. I got this from the field in front of our house RIGHT after it was harvested. Since harvest was early (and pretty dismal) this year I was able to get these before school started so I had plenty of time to think over this year's crafts.
Some may not be in the husks and that
is okay, do not eat this corn or allow children to eat it as most corn
planted in fields (not gardens) is treated with pesticides. This also is
not good corn for popping as it has an extremely low moisture point,
that's why it is great for cow food , and less great for people food.
Some cobs may be different colors they are also good for crafting if you want...I'm not really into corn cob crafting so I just pitch these after taking the kernels off.
To remove kernels you should just press them to the side with your fingers, twisting them between your hands works too but you get a lot of silt and dust that way. can press each row down ward and work around the cob in a circular motion.
After filling the vase, and topping it with a candle I was ready to put Carly down for a nap and fold the laundry. She obviously is into crafting...just look at that face!
While Carly was down for a nap I decided to get out my fall stuff.
(and I didn't do the laundry, I just put it in the bedroom so the
pictures looked nicer)!
If you think the picture of Carly and Maggie on the right side is cute you should check out my friend Jessie Hoag at I hire her to do all my family photos. She is an amazing photographer and so good with kids, animals and husbands.
Second Corn Craft: Vase, yeah I get it...why turn the vase into a candle holder when you could just use the a vase. Because it's more fun that way!
Then I searched for some things around my house that I thought might fit in the jar and hold water. From left to right: Duplo mega block, insert from a small Pampered Chef Measure-all, glass cup, one of Carly's sippy cups.
The Pampered Chef Measure All insert fit except for the top part, so I cut it off.
JOKING!! Mom, you should start breathing again, I promise I didn't cut any PC apart!
The sippy cup was too wide to fit and the glass fit but was too tall. This is beginning to sound like a nursery rhyme.
The block cylinder did fit, I put it in upside down so it would hold water. Please disregard Carly's full sippy cup. She was trying to help but really just playing dress up and wrecking the house with the left over corn parts. Can you see her below in her pink and leopard print coat and hat? She is also wearing red sweats, and her mud boots. She has her mother's sense of style that's for sure.
Put your had over the opening of whatever you found to fit in your "vase" and pour the corn in around it.
If the corn doesn't cover all the way it is okay, you will cover it in burlap or a ribbon or something.
This is what it looks like from the top. Even a seasoned corn crafter occasionally gets a few kernels in the wrong place.
Now it is time to make them pretty!
Measure your burlap or ribbon or whatever you are using. I had some left over burlap from another project so I cut some into a thin strip and measured it around the vase/candle and cut it so it met up perfect.
Then I followed along where the corn and candle meet with a little white school glue. I always use glue that dries clear, you could also use hot glue but white glue peels off easier and you typically won't melt your fingers off.
I pressed it on really well all the way around and applied an extra dab at the end where the ends met up.
I did the same with the jar/vase except I wanted it to look less perfect so I frayed the ends and tied it in a loose knot then glued it down so it would stay.
If you get too much glue or it doesn't look just perfect don't sweat it. If someone comes to your house and checks your home made vases to see if you did it to THEIR standards you need to find new friends who are less critical of awesome crafts made by real people.
First you will need to find some dry corn. I got this from the field in front of our house RIGHT after it was harvested. Since harvest was early (and pretty dismal) this year I was able to get these before school started so I had plenty of time to think over this year's crafts.
If you are looking in a freshly harvested field for corn make sure it is still on the cob as shown here |
Some cobs may be different colors they are also good for crafting if you want...I'm not really into corn cob crafting so I just pitch these after taking the kernels off.
To remove kernels you should just press them to the side with your fingers, twisting them between your hands works too but you get a lot of silt and dust that way. can press each row down ward and work around the cob in a circular motion.
I have two crafts going and since the corn harvest was not so good this year, after shelling the corn I only had about 5 cups of kernels from my basket full of cobs save space I put an upside down measuring glass in the bottom of my large clear vase. I am not a photographer, sorry, my pictures stink.
After filling the vase, and topping it with a candle I was ready to put Carly down for a nap and fold the laundry. She obviously is into crafting...just look at that face!
If you think the picture of Carly and Maggie on the right side is cute you should check out my friend Jessie Hoag at I hire her to do all my family photos. She is an amazing photographer and so good with kids, animals and husbands.
Second Corn Craft: Vase, yeah I get it...why turn the vase into a candle holder when you could just use the a vase. Because it's more fun that way!
Get a cute jar or bowl or vase or something. I chose an old Ball Ideal jar because I'm from the country and I like it that way. (song lyric pun intended)
The Pampered Chef Measure All insert fit except for the top part, so I cut it off.
JOKING!! Mom, you should start breathing again, I promise I didn't cut any PC apart!
The sippy cup was too wide to fit and the glass fit but was too tall. This is beginning to sound like a nursery rhyme.
The block cylinder did fit, I put it in upside down so it would hold water. Please disregard Carly's full sippy cup. She was trying to help but really just playing dress up and wrecking the house with the left over corn parts. Can you see her below in her pink and leopard print coat and hat? She is also wearing red sweats, and her mud boots. She has her mother's sense of style that's for sure.
Put your had over the opening of whatever you found to fit in your "vase" and pour the corn in around it.
If the corn doesn't cover all the way it is okay, you will cover it in burlap or a ribbon or something.
Now it is time to make them pretty!
Measure your burlap or ribbon or whatever you are using. I had some left over burlap from another project so I cut some into a thin strip and measured it around the vase/candle and cut it so it met up perfect.
Then I followed along where the corn and candle meet with a little white school glue. I always use glue that dries clear, you could also use hot glue but white glue peels off easier and you typically won't melt your fingers off.
I pressed it on really well all the way around and applied an extra dab at the end where the ends met up.
I did the same with the jar/vase except I wanted it to look less perfect so I frayed the ends and tied it in a loose knot then glued it down so it would stay.
If you get too much glue or it doesn't look just perfect don't sweat it. If someone comes to your house and checks your home made vases to see if you did it to THEIR standards you need to find new friends who are less critical of awesome crafts made by real people.
Add a few sunflowers from the driveway and you have a nice looking centerpiece!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
And then there was another flood
Back when I went to college there was a basement, that flooded when it sprinkled out. Thankfully in said house there were some pretty crafty people who could run a sump pump in a 5gallon bucket and a garden hose like nobody's business. This I call the Great Clovia Flood.
Now there is the Great Flood of 2012. Only this time there were no squeals as girls slopped through water and made a bucket train out to the street. This time there was a very pissy teacher with a wet classroom and a very pissy science teacher, whom also had a wet classroom.
Guess where the flood originated? Oh yeah, my room!!
Oh dear, I hope nothing got ruined.
No, nothing got ruined except my mood...and the mood of the football coach.
Did you yell at him? You made an ass out of yourself didn't you!?!
NO...No, thankfully there were students in the classroom when he came to see me about it. My look conveyed my mood just fine as well as my angry washing and the fact that the students were being vary studious. He apologized, and left me a jersey to fix for one of the football players. What a sweetie. I told him to not hold his breath on the jersey.
How did this happen, I don't understand. Did some pipes break?
You see, the washing machine and my west sinks drain out the same pipe which isn't so bad...except it's 1 inch pipe!! (way to freaking small for a billion gallons of nasty clothes ...or in this case football uniform go through)
When the washing machine is running and then rinses the water can't all go down the drain at once because of the tiny pipe so it backs up into the west sinks. This is usually not a problem...except when the plugs are in the sinks because when the water tries to go down it can't...the plugs are doing their job and PLUGGING THE SINKS!
Then the next time the washer rinses and drains the water backs up again...only this time (because the sinks are full of water already ) it flows out of the sinks, down the front cabinets, into the drawers, under the cabinets and refrigerator, under the wall and into the closet and classroom next door.
Back uniforms? Why do you have to wash the football uniforms?
Excellent question, I don't the football coach does and after FOUR YEARS of training him he still freaking forgot to check the sinks!!!!! He did turn on the vent to pull the lint out, he did change the settings on the washer back to normal, he did fold all his clothes, he did take the uniforms with him. HE DID NOT SEE THE GIGANTIC FLOOD.
How it wasn't noticed I am not sure but it wasn't. I mopped and washed and rinsed and dried out cabinets and put up a sign.
Oh, did I mention the football team now has their own washer and dryer. They didn't yet have hoses.
Rest assured, they do now ;)
Now there is the Great Flood of 2012. Only this time there were no squeals as girls slopped through water and made a bucket train out to the street. This time there was a very pissy teacher with a wet classroom and a very pissy science teacher, whom also had a wet classroom.
Guess where the flood originated? Oh yeah, my room!!
Oh dear, I hope nothing got ruined.
No, nothing got ruined except my mood...and the mood of the football coach.
Did you yell at him? You made an ass out of yourself didn't you!?!
NO...No, thankfully there were students in the classroom when he came to see me about it. My look conveyed my mood just fine as well as my angry washing and the fact that the students were being vary studious. He apologized, and left me a jersey to fix for one of the football players. What a sweetie. I told him to not hold his breath on the jersey.
How did this happen, I don't understand. Did some pipes break?
You see, the washing machine and my west sinks drain out the same pipe which isn't so bad...except it's 1 inch pipe!! (way to freaking small for a billion gallons of nasty clothes ...or in this case football uniform go through)
When the washing machine is running and then rinses the water can't all go down the drain at once because of the tiny pipe so it backs up into the west sinks. This is usually not a problem...except when the plugs are in the sinks because when the water tries to go down it can't...the plugs are doing their job and PLUGGING THE SINKS!
Then the next time the washer rinses and drains the water backs up again...only this time (because the sinks are full of water already ) it flows out of the sinks, down the front cabinets, into the drawers, under the cabinets and refrigerator, under the wall and into the closet and classroom next door.
Back uniforms? Why do you have to wash the football uniforms?
Excellent question, I don't the football coach does and after FOUR YEARS of training him he still freaking forgot to check the sinks!!!!! He did turn on the vent to pull the lint out, he did change the settings on the washer back to normal, he did fold all his clothes, he did take the uniforms with him. HE DID NOT SEE THE GIGANTIC FLOOD.
How it wasn't noticed I am not sure but it wasn't. I mopped and washed and rinsed and dried out cabinets and put up a sign.
Oh, did I mention the football team now has their own washer and dryer. They didn't yet have hoses.
Rest assured, they do now ;)
Thursday, September 6, 2012
How to be a Princess
![]() |
Find this exact shirt at |
I was not overly conceited, I just liked princess stuff. No one ever called me princess, or treated me like a princess, in fact I despised dresses and often wore jeans and tennis shoes to school....and every where else.
Then I went to college, had a great time and forgot all about the princess phase.
Fast forward 8 years to this morning - 6:45 am, hair is wet and not brushed, make-up is half on, under eye bags are super baggy as I wrote 1 paper and re-read/edited another for masters classes last night, shirt untucked, pink skirt is wrinkled from being left in the dryer over night, no deodorant, teeth not brushed.
Carly comes careening into the bathroom giggling, hair wild, one shoe on the other in her hand, and stops to look at me.
We make eye contact and I lead her to the living room, set her on my lap to put her other shoe on. She pats my disheveled skirt and says "Mama pretty, Mama princess" and smiles at me then slips off my lap before I can give her a hug.
Way better than any t-shirt.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Back to skoo!
It has been a good two weeks of actual "kids in classroom" and I don't want to run screaming so I think it is going to be a good year!
Change is hard and I have made some changes this year. Moved my desk to the back of the classroom, got rid of a filing cabinet, started my masters.
Oh you didn't get that last one. I STARTED MY MASTERS. Yeah SHOUTY CAPITALS all in your face.
What? What are shouty capitals you ask? Read 50 Shades of Grey. It's worth it, poor writing as far as novels go but good imagery. Very very very good imagery, especially if you need to spice up your own personal intimate life.
WHOA!! She just mixed intimate moments and a school post. What is she doing?
I am out of control I tell you! Not really, my BFF is having a wedding reception in her husbands home town where they currently reside and I am getting all squirrelly with excitement because I love getting to see her!
The students have noticed my excitement, one asked me if I was drinking something special in my coffee. I said yes because I thought she meant the creamer....hey, it is french vanilla creamer, which is way cooler than the stupid 2% milk my husband buys. I like my milk like I like my beer - with ALL the calories.
WHOA!! She just added alcohol to the intimate moments and school post...she is out of control!
While we are talking about my husband, he is sort-of doneish with school. No more linemen classes,no more traveling a billion miles away every day for skoo, but he is taking two on-line classes so he can finish up his associates in something (2012 bad wife award in the bag, don't even apply, the committee has already notified me that the ceremony is sometime this fall).
He hasn't gotten a lineman job yet but he has been applying and in the mean time he is doing lots of electrical things.
And by lots I mean not so many because it is CRAZY HUMID. When it was cooler he was much more productive, I am sure he will be this fall again....although it would be nice if he folded more clothes and did a few more dishes, but's not like I was super productive this summer either.
In summary, school is going good, I read a racy novel, the kids think I am boozing my coffee and I am excited for Labor Day Weekend in Pburg!! WOOOOO!
Drive safe everyone.
(picture is from Kids, I borrowed a banner because it looks almost like the one in the elementary hallway)
Change is hard and I have made some changes this year. Moved my desk to the back of the classroom, got rid of a filing cabinet, started my masters.
Oh you didn't get that last one. I STARTED MY MASTERS. Yeah SHOUTY CAPITALS all in your face.
What? What are shouty capitals you ask? Read 50 Shades of Grey. It's worth it, poor writing as far as novels go but good imagery. Very very very good imagery, especially if you need to spice up your own personal intimate life.
WHOA!! She just mixed intimate moments and a school post. What is she doing?
I am out of control I tell you! Not really, my BFF is having a wedding reception in her husbands home town where they currently reside and I am getting all squirrelly with excitement because I love getting to see her!
The students have noticed my excitement, one asked me if I was drinking something special in my coffee. I said yes because I thought she meant the creamer....hey, it is french vanilla creamer, which is way cooler than the stupid 2% milk my husband buys. I like my milk like I like my beer - with ALL the calories.
WHOA!! She just added alcohol to the intimate moments and school post...she is out of control!
While we are talking about my husband, he is sort-of doneish with school. No more linemen classes,no more traveling a billion miles away every day for skoo, but he is taking two on-line classes so he can finish up his associates in something (2012 bad wife award in the bag, don't even apply, the committee has already notified me that the ceremony is sometime this fall).
He hasn't gotten a lineman job yet but he has been applying and in the mean time he is doing lots of electrical things.
And by lots I mean not so many because it is CRAZY HUMID. When it was cooler he was much more productive, I am sure he will be this fall again....although it would be nice if he folded more clothes and did a few more dishes, but's not like I was super productive this summer either.
In summary, school is going good, I read a racy novel, the kids think I am boozing my coffee and I am excited for Labor Day Weekend in Pburg!! WOOOOO!
Drive safe everyone.
(picture is from Kids, I borrowed a banner because it looks almost like the one in the elementary hallway)
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
As teachers we are always stretched a little thin, be it budget, patience, time for grading, time for the student that needs a little more help, time for a meeting, emotionally drained from the kid that drives you nuts and the kid you worry about when they are at home.
As mothers we are always stretched a little thin, be it laundry that needs to be done for tomorrow, dishes, meals, time to play, time to listen, time to feed, emotionally drained from the bad days, tired from the good ones, sick with worry.
As wives we are always stretched a little thin with housework, being a confidant, friend, support system, encourager, lover, worrier, whatever the role may be.
As daughters and sisters we are always stretched a little thin by being a peacemaker, confidant, supporter, encourager, prayer partner, steward of good or bad news.
But I forgot how stretched thin I was as a college student - these master's classes are making me crazy! I forgot how picky and intimidating professors can be. I keep reminding myself it is only 4 semesters and 2 summers....I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!
Dang- college seemed a lot easier 5 years ago!
As mothers we are always stretched a little thin, be it laundry that needs to be done for tomorrow, dishes, meals, time to play, time to listen, time to feed, emotionally drained from the bad days, tired from the good ones, sick with worry.
As wives we are always stretched a little thin with housework, being a confidant, friend, support system, encourager, lover, worrier, whatever the role may be.
As daughters and sisters we are always stretched a little thin by being a peacemaker, confidant, supporter, encourager, prayer partner, steward of good or bad news.
But I forgot how stretched thin I was as a college student - these master's classes are making me crazy! I forgot how picky and intimidating professors can be. I keep reminding myself it is only 4 semesters and 2 summers....I can do this, I can do this, I can do this!
Dang- college seemed a lot easier 5 years ago!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
How I know he loves me and Jesus
Eric Church is my "celeb crush" I know he has a wife, probably a child, a fantastic career, he has no idea who I am and about 50% of his songs are about partying (in various ways), I always check to see who the writers of those types of songs are and a lot of the time it is not just the artist but someone in the band and the singer collaborates with them so I am in denial about his extra curricular activities.
He sings about all sorts of things, which is nice because my spaztastic brain jumps around a lot too-his newest album is pretty great, my hubs got it via the AMAZONE, it's what I call me if you need something, we have free prime shipping, probably because my hubs orders a lot of parts for electrical jobs and if you buy a billion dollars of stuff they are all like have some free shipping! only Cabela's can one up the AMAZONE. If you buy a billion dollars of stuff from them they send you the catalog in hard back FANCY!!!
Anyways...back to the hottie behind the mirrored glasses....apparently he speaks to my husband as well as myself because Cody dragged me out to the truck during nap time (mine AND Carly's) to listen to his song "Loves me like Jesus does." (see lyrics at the end of this post)
Yes I cried, yes I have tried a gazillion (slightly more than a million) times to get Cody to go to church with me, never happens. Oddly enough when he says no to church it reminds me of all the times Stephy tried to get me to go to the Rec in college and I would give her the fatty face and go back to sleep. Karma??
Anyways...I once asked Cody why he never wanted to go to church with Carly and I and I always get some total BS answer. I think it is because he went with his grandparents a lot and was baptized at their church with his sister in middle school and so now that they are both gone I think it makes him sad. But that is my non-professional hypothesis. Sooo....things like this song help me remember that he loves me and Jesus a lot, even when we argue and he is bull headed 'cause I'm not - Cody, not Jesus...jezzzz get your mind out of the street!
I'm a long gone Waylon song on vinyl,
I'm a backroad sinner at a tent revival,
She believes in me like she believes her Bible,
She loves me like Jesus does.
I'm a left foot leanin' on a souped up Chevy,
I'm a good ole boy,
Drinkin' Whiskey and Rye on the Levee,
She carries me when my sins make me heavy,
She loves me like Jesus does.
All the crazy in my dreams,
Both my broken wings,
Every single piece of everything I am.
She knows the man I ain't,
She forgives me when I can't.
That devil, man, naw he don't have a chance,
She loves me like Jesus does.
I always thought she'd give up on me someday,
Wash her hands of me, leave me starin' down some runway,
But I thank God each night and twice on Sunday,
She loves me like Jesus does.
All the crazy in my dreams,
Both my broken wings,
Every single piece of everything I am,
She knows the man I ain't,
She forgives me when I can't,
No that Devil, man, he don't have a prayer,
She loves me like Jesus does.
Yeah she knows the man I ain't,
She forgives me when I can't,
That devil, man, naw he don't stand a chance,
She loves me like Jesus does.
I'm a long gone Waylon song on vinyl...
He sings about all sorts of things, which is nice because my spaztastic brain jumps around a lot too-his newest album is pretty great, my hubs got it via the AMAZONE, it's what I call me if you need something, we have free prime shipping, probably because my hubs orders a lot of parts for electrical jobs and if you buy a billion dollars of stuff they are all like have some free shipping! only Cabela's can one up the AMAZONE. If you buy a billion dollars of stuff from them they send you the catalog in hard back FANCY!!!
Anyways...back to the hottie behind the mirrored glasses....apparently he speaks to my husband as well as myself because Cody dragged me out to the truck during nap time (mine AND Carly's) to listen to his song "Loves me like Jesus does." (see lyrics at the end of this post)
Yes I cried, yes I have tried a gazillion (slightly more than a million) times to get Cody to go to church with me, never happens. Oddly enough when he says no to church it reminds me of all the times Stephy tried to get me to go to the Rec in college and I would give her the fatty face and go back to sleep. Karma??
Anyways...I once asked Cody why he never wanted to go to church with Carly and I and I always get some total BS answer. I think it is because he went with his grandparents a lot and was baptized at their church with his sister in middle school and so now that they are both gone I think it makes him sad. But that is my non-professional hypothesis. Sooo....things like this song help me remember that he loves me and Jesus a lot, even when we argue and he is bull headed 'cause I'm not - Cody, not Jesus...jezzzz get your mind out of the street!
I'm a long gone Waylon song on vinyl,
I'm a backroad sinner at a tent revival,
She believes in me like she believes her Bible,
She loves me like Jesus does.
I'm a left foot leanin' on a souped up Chevy,
I'm a good ole boy,
Drinkin' Whiskey and Rye on the Levee,
She carries me when my sins make me heavy,
She loves me like Jesus does.
All the crazy in my dreams,
Both my broken wings,
Every single piece of everything I am.
She knows the man I ain't,
She forgives me when I can't.
That devil, man, naw he don't have a chance,
She loves me like Jesus does.
I always thought she'd give up on me someday,
Wash her hands of me, leave me starin' down some runway,
But I thank God each night and twice on Sunday,
She loves me like Jesus does.
All the crazy in my dreams,
Both my broken wings,
Every single piece of everything I am,
She knows the man I ain't,
She forgives me when I can't,
No that Devil, man, he don't have a prayer,
She loves me like Jesus does.
Yeah she knows the man I ain't,
She forgives me when I can't,
That devil, man, naw he don't stand a chance,
She loves me like Jesus does.
I'm a long gone Waylon song on vinyl...
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Plans and Choices
First you make plans then you make choices to either see the plans through, change the plans or ditch the plans.
I planned on marrying off my best friend, blogging twice a week, sorting out the basement, cleaning the stuff you don't do each week unless you are my grandma or Heloise (baseboards, windows, behind the fridge, etc) organizing the house, rearranging the bedroom, loosing 5 pounds, going on morning walks with Carly, canning bushels of tomatoes, salsa, and pasta sauce among other lofty goals of the summer.
I chose to clean out 2 totes in the basement, reorganize the cabinet with the pans in it, canned 15 pints of salsa 25 quarts of salsa or pasta sauce with my SIL, made 2 quart baggies of sun dried tomatoes, froze a gallon bag of basil, let the garden go a week ago. Spent a lot of time on short walks, spent a lot more time watering the garden, and a lot more on the living room floor playing with Carly or with the girls and their kids. I only got the baseboards wiped down!
And of course Kelly made a beautiful bride and we had a great weekend!
There were lots of things on my list to do and a few got done, but we made a lot more memories. So I suppose it is only fitting that a week and a half before school begins I start blogging again....such is life. So I leave you with a few pictures of my summer!
Carly loved putting Daddy's change in her piggy bank.
Thank you Daddy and Maggie for putting up the swing set!
Ellie and Carly taking turns in the car on the 4th of July.
All the kids enjoying the BBQ!
Becca and Carly playing on the new swing set.
And having a sleep over!!
Carly is really into silverware right now. She needs a fork or spoon for everything. This is cereal, with a splash of milk and a "Bid poon" aka a big spoon which is just a regular spoon but she doesn't want her kid sized ones anymore.
I planned on marrying off my best friend, blogging twice a week, sorting out the basement, cleaning the stuff you don't do each week unless you are my grandma or Heloise (baseboards, windows, behind the fridge, etc) organizing the house, rearranging the bedroom, loosing 5 pounds, going on morning walks with Carly, canning bushels of tomatoes, salsa, and pasta sauce among other lofty goals of the summer.
I chose to clean out 2 totes in the basement, reorganize the cabinet with the pans in it, canned 15 pints of salsa 25 quarts of salsa or pasta sauce with my SIL, made 2 quart baggies of sun dried tomatoes, froze a gallon bag of basil, let the garden go a week ago. Spent a lot of time on short walks, spent a lot more time watering the garden, and a lot more on the living room floor playing with Carly or with the girls and their kids. I only got the baseboards wiped down!
And of course Kelly made a beautiful bride and we had a great weekend!
There were lots of things on my list to do and a few got done, but we made a lot more memories. So I suppose it is only fitting that a week and a half before school begins I start blogging again....such is life. So I leave you with a few pictures of my summer!
Carly loved putting Daddy's change in her piggy bank.
Thank you Daddy and Maggie for putting up the swing set!
Ellie and Carly taking turns in the car on the 4th of July.
All the kids enjoying the BBQ!
Becca and Carly playing on the new swing set.
And having a sleep over!!
Carly is really into silverware right now. She needs a fork or spoon for everything. This is cereal, with a splash of milk and a "Bid poon" aka a big spoon which is just a regular spoon but she doesn't want her kid sized ones anymore.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Annnnndddd....they are done!
Graduation was Saturday. I cried on Friday when I gave the Senior's my little speech about "there are a hundred people in the gym who love you" "this is the beginning of your journey not then end" "manners get you farther than most anything so remember your pleases and thank yous" "make good choices" "have RESPONSIBLE adventures" yadda yadda yadda.
They don't usually get all of it because it's really hard to understand me when I am doing the ugly cry. It was ugly. I always cry on the seniors last day and not at graduation, I can hold it together in public pretty well, but this year it was worse. I cried on the way home Friday, on the way to school Saturday and on the way to my cousin's graduation after. There was even a little tear when a particular student that has become an important part of my daughter's life walked across the stage.
This group of kids has been really special to me because they were freshmen my first year teaching here. I and only two other high school teachers are still here that they began high school with. They changed me and made me a better teacher because they are not the easiest me they are good but they are squirrely as all get out!!
They speeches the kids made were really good and the power point presentation of their pictures was flawless. I am really proud of them.
And for me it is not the end of the journey either...I am just as excited about next years Seniors!! They will be in two new classes I am offering and will be the pilot class for some exciting projects. Next year is going to be great, but man do I need a break - here comes SUMMER!!
They don't usually get all of it because it's really hard to understand me when I am doing the ugly cry. It was ugly. I always cry on the seniors last day and not at graduation, I can hold it together in public pretty well, but this year it was worse. I cried on the way home Friday, on the way to school Saturday and on the way to my cousin's graduation after. There was even a little tear when a particular student that has become an important part of my daughter's life walked across the stage.
This group of kids has been really special to me because they were freshmen my first year teaching here. I and only two other high school teachers are still here that they began high school with. They changed me and made me a better teacher because they are not the easiest me they are good but they are squirrely as all get out!!
They speeches the kids made were really good and the power point presentation of their pictures was flawless. I am really proud of them.
And for me it is not the end of the journey either...I am just as excited about next years Seniors!! They will be in two new classes I am offering and will be the pilot class for some exciting projects. Next year is going to be great, but man do I need a break - here comes SUMMER!!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Reference Point
Some of my friends who have not seen Carly lately have been asking "How big is she now?" Well friends, she's about as tall as my mom's toilet. How's that for a reference point?? HAHA!!
She also thinks she has to have a coat or jacket on at all times. I should feel lucky that she likes to put it on but mostly it's just irritating when she gets to hot or when she wants to wear someone's jacket besides her own, like she his here. I have let her run around in just a diaper and a jacket before.
She also thinks she has to have a coat or jacket on at all times. I should feel lucky that she likes to put it on but mostly it's just irritating when she gets to hot or when she wants to wear someone's jacket besides her own, like she his here. I have let her run around in just a diaper and a jacket before.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
So you know how I worry, about everything, all the time, and I worry about worry. Well I have this friend Sharita and she worries too but her blog is helping me to worry less and have more faith. Funny how our friends help us even when we are a bazillion miles away from them. Thank you internets (and Sharita) (and Jesus).
So in my last post I mentioned going on a little trip. I was sad one student didn't go - even though this student and I are not particularly fond of each other I encouraged this student to go. Be a part of your class. Make memories. Cause me worry. But my words did little. So we went and it turned out great even though we were short one. A brief itinerary of our events - only a few pictures and none good pictures because honestly.....I can't post students on my personal blog if there are defining features. So here ya go....
Thursday- 12:00pm The other sponsor, Ben and I checked bags and locked them in the board office before he scampered off to a track meet. I worry the whole time that we will find something and have to tell a kid he or she can't go.
Friday - 3:30 am I am up and heading to Wal-Marts to get breakfast for the kids so that we don't have to stop.
Ben and I check purses and back packs for contraband - NONE found. These kids!! Leave, 2 minutes behind schedule and I am worried we will be late. Arrive at Amtrak 45 minutes before we need to board, board and get settled.
Arrive on time, get to hotel, get vans and leave for SkyZone. This is a whole building FULL OF TRAMPOLINES!!! Which is pretty great unless you have had a baby and your bladder is all jacked up. Never fear - I came prepared and YES I wore Depends underwear. I had a great time - f you baby bladder you can't ruin my fun!
Saturday- Six Flags...Who needs real entrances when you can climb under the big sign to get to the ride you want. Thankfully we had a lookout and no one got kicked out.
Tattoos anyone?? TEMPORARY!! Thank goodness.
Then to the NASCAR Speedpark. It was a lot of fun - there were really fast go-carts, putt putt, Laser Tag and a rock wall...yep that's me, sans Depends underwear.
We grabbed a bite to eat at the world's fastest and most sketchy Arby's and headed back to the hotel.
Sunday - It rained a lot, all morning. Took the MetroSketch as the kid's dubbed the MetroLink public transportation system. I was worried they wouldn't get on all the right tram or would get off at the wrong stop or get approached by an unsavory character. Nothing even remotely close.
Went to the state History Museum and the Science Center so it was a good day to be inside. I got splashed at a cross walk by a car just like in the movies. Kids thought it was great.
Went to Delmar and the Loop to Fitz Botteling Company and ate lunch it was SOOO GOOD.
Then back to hotel to get ready for our big evening at Caleco's Resturant on the class. Two girls ate only dessert. I should have too instead I got the ravioli florentine and the chocolate fudge cake. Kids were really tired by the time we got there so I didn't worry too much but I did make my 2 and 4 O' Clock rounds.
Monday - Up early, get to Amtrak Station and head home. I slept most of the way. Bus got lost at Amtrak station trying to get out of the city.
When I got back I went home and snuggled my baby and husband. It was a wonderful trip but very very long.
All in all it was a great time.
So in my last post I mentioned going on a little trip. I was sad one student didn't go - even though this student and I are not particularly fond of each other I encouraged this student to go. Be a part of your class. Make memories. Cause me worry. But my words did little. So we went and it turned out great even though we were short one. A brief itinerary of our events - only a few pictures and none good pictures because honestly.....I can't post students on my personal blog if there are defining features. So here ya go....
Thursday- 12:00pm The other sponsor, Ben and I checked bags and locked them in the board office before he scampered off to a track meet. I worry the whole time that we will find something and have to tell a kid he or she can't go.
Friday - 3:30 am I am up and heading to Wal-Marts to get breakfast for the kids so that we don't have to stop.
Ben and I check purses and back packs for contraband - NONE found. These kids!! Leave, 2 minutes behind schedule and I am worried we will be late. Arrive at Amtrak 45 minutes before we need to board, board and get settled.
Arrive on time, get to hotel, get vans and leave for SkyZone. This is a whole building FULL OF TRAMPOLINES!!! Which is pretty great unless you have had a baby and your bladder is all jacked up. Never fear - I came prepared and YES I wore Depends underwear. I had a great time - f you baby bladder you can't ruin my fun!
Saturday- Six Flags...Who needs real entrances when you can climb under the big sign to get to the ride you want. Thankfully we had a lookout and no one got kicked out.
Tattoos anyone?? TEMPORARY!! Thank goodness.
Then to the NASCAR Speedpark. It was a lot of fun - there were really fast go-carts, putt putt, Laser Tag and a rock wall...yep that's me, sans Depends underwear.
We grabbed a bite to eat at the world's fastest and most sketchy Arby's and headed back to the hotel.
Sunday - It rained a lot, all morning. Took the MetroSketch as the kid's dubbed the MetroLink public transportation system. I was worried they wouldn't get on all the right tram or would get off at the wrong stop or get approached by an unsavory character. Nothing even remotely close.
Went to the state History Museum and the Science Center so it was a good day to be inside. I got splashed at a cross walk by a car just like in the movies. Kids thought it was great.
Went to Delmar and the Loop to Fitz Botteling Company and ate lunch it was SOOO GOOD.
Then back to hotel to get ready for our big evening at Caleco's Resturant on the class. Two girls ate only dessert. I should have too instead I got the ravioli florentine and the chocolate fudge cake. Kids were really tired by the time we got there so I didn't worry too much but I did make my 2 and 4 O' Clock rounds.
Monday - Up early, get to Amtrak Station and head home. I slept most of the way. Bus got lost at Amtrak station trying to get out of the city.
When I got back I went home and snuggled my baby and husband. It was a wonderful trip but very very long.
All in all it was a great time.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Going on a trip!
Lately I have been itching to go...somewhere....anywhere...just not there. Where is there? Senior trip. There has been some *ahhumm* turn over this school year and the teacher that was the Senior Class Sponsor is no longer employed here. So who is the sucker that agreed to take over? Insert a sigh, with my head hanging down and a dunce hat on that says "SUCKER" on it.
I had a fantastic time on my senior trip and wanted these students to do the same. They shouldn't get a crappy senior trip just because an adult messed up and was relieved of their duties. So after learning that no plans were made WHAT SO EVER for this trip (or for graduation) we are going to St. Louis, taking the Amtrak to the STL and then doing some wicked fun things, because, hey...teachers want to have a good time too right?!?! RIGHT!!! If I have to take 13 kids across the state then I am going to have a heckofa good time too.
I will let you know how it goes. Not looking for any medals here, just some sympathy and a few prayers for my sanity, and maybe for the children because if they are causing a ruckus at 3:00 in the morning so help me.....
I had a fantastic time on my senior trip and wanted these students to do the same. They shouldn't get a crappy senior trip just because an adult messed up and was relieved of their duties. So after learning that no plans were made WHAT SO EVER for this trip (or for graduation) we are going to St. Louis, taking the Amtrak to the STL and then doing some wicked fun things, because, hey...teachers want to have a good time too right?!?! RIGHT!!! If I have to take 13 kids across the state then I am going to have a heckofa good time too.
I will let you know how it goes. Not looking for any medals here, just some sympathy and a few prayers for my sanity, and maybe for the children because if they are causing a ruckus at 3:00 in the morning so help me.....
Monday, March 19, 2012
Who is immesurably lucky?
MEEEEE! I have a wonderful Mother, StepDad, Dad and StepMom, fantastic grandparents, aunts and uncles and great cousins. Good friends and (mostly) good co-workers....but I have an immeasurably wonderful husband and daughter.
Mr. T and I don't have a perfect marriage but it is pretty freaking great in my opinion....we occasionally argue, we occasionally disagree...we always make up :) (keeping it parents read this!)
My house is not spotless and my daughter runs around with a dirty shirt on half the time, the other half she isn't even wearing a shirt. I always need to mop (or maybe that's just my floor OCD - I am only OCD about gross floors)
But right now my house does smell AHHHHmazing. The hubs brought me some flowers - my fav. springtime flowers actually -daffodils, he even put them in the Kerr jar. I am blessed, very very blessed.
Mr. T and I don't have a perfect marriage but it is pretty freaking great in my opinion....we occasionally argue, we occasionally disagree...we always make up :) (keeping it parents read this!)
My house is not spotless and my daughter runs around with a dirty shirt on half the time, the other half she isn't even wearing a shirt. I always need to mop (or maybe that's just my floor OCD - I am only OCD about gross floors)
But right now my house does smell AHHHHmazing. The hubs brought me some flowers - my fav. springtime flowers actually -daffodils, he even put them in the Kerr jar. I am blessed, very very blessed.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Believing in rocks
I am a couponer...not the crazy kind, nor do I stock pile for
impending doom. But I do like to watch TV about crazy couponers and
people who stock pile for impending doom (not the allergy induced kind -
actual doom).
Carly's baby sitter and I were talking about this the other day and about the whole Mayan Impending Doom stuff. I made the comment, "funny how a bunch of people believe in an old rock....I guess I'm weird too, I believe in 10 rocks" WOOOAAA!
Did.That.Just.Come.Out.Of.My.Face.!?! I've been thinking on that comment a lot lately and how the Lord makes random things fly out of my face. For some people they might be funny things, or insightful things but to me its just how my brain works. I don't think I am "special" in a -the Lord Hath Given Me A Gift - way. More of a - my super power is Not Having a Filter -way.
Believing in rocks is a lot harder at work than in "real" life. I say "real" because being a teacher in a high school there are a lot of real issues, however; the majority of the problems are ridiculous drama -which is not so much real but mostly hormone induced hallucinations. The drama is exhausting, especially when I want to tell the students to pray on their problems but I can't, because it is against the law. Occasionally there is an opportunity to talk about Jesus - legally!! Like when I used the phrase "good Samaritan" and a student asked me where that phrase came from. Or when we talk about how religion plays a role in food choices and holiday traditions, as well as in Spanish when we talk about important figures like Our Lady of Guadalupe.
This was on Pinterest, think it is going to be a summer craft project for my room next year.
I believe in rocks - 10 of them.
Carly's baby sitter and I were talking about this the other day and about the whole Mayan Impending Doom stuff. I made the comment, "funny how a bunch of people believe in an old rock....I guess I'm weird too, I believe in 10 rocks" WOOOAAA!
Did.That.Just.Come.Out.Of.My.Face.!?! I've been thinking on that comment a lot lately and how the Lord makes random things fly out of my face. For some people they might be funny things, or insightful things but to me its just how my brain works. I don't think I am "special" in a -the Lord Hath Given Me A Gift - way. More of a - my super power is Not Having a Filter -way.
Believing in rocks is a lot harder at work than in "real" life. I say "real" because being a teacher in a high school there are a lot of real issues, however; the majority of the problems are ridiculous drama -which is not so much real but mostly hormone induced hallucinations. The drama is exhausting, especially when I want to tell the students to pray on their problems but I can't, because it is against the law. Occasionally there is an opportunity to talk about Jesus - legally!! Like when I used the phrase "good Samaritan" and a student asked me where that phrase came from. Or when we talk about how religion plays a role in food choices and holiday traditions, as well as in Spanish when we talk about important figures like Our Lady of Guadalupe.
This was on Pinterest, think it is going to be a summer craft project for my room next year.
I believe in rocks - 10 of them.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Never too old
So Carly isn't baptized yet...I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW...hear me out.
Mr. T. was baptized in elementary/middle school. He and his sister decided to get baptized one summer at their grandma and grandpa's church. I think this is pretty B.A. Not too many kids do this of their own choosing.
I have never been baptized I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW...hear me out.
My family believes in making your own choices. As far as 84 year olds go my grandpa is pretty liberal - he thinks women can do anything a man can do, just as well if not better. He also believes that marriage is not something to fool with - if you don't think it's going to work out don't get married - just live together. And by all means, don't get married just because you are or got someone pregnant. Like I said - 84, pretty liberal.
So my mom and aunts didn't baptize any of us. Most of us made our own choices and have been baptized. Not me. I am a Christian, Methodist more specifically and I know it isn't necessarily a requirement for the methodist church but I feel very drawn to it, like I need to shout to the whole world.
Carly and I go to church semi-regularly (NO JUDGING)!! And last week I talked to our pastor about her baptism and under my breath I said ...."and me too" She sort of looked at me funny and said "Well of course, we can do it all, have any friends who want to be baptized?" She wasn't joking either - or being all judgey. a few weeks Carly and I will be baptized. I wonder if we can get Mr. T. to go church - probably not, it isn't Christmas or Easter.
Mr. T. was baptized in elementary/middle school. He and his sister decided to get baptized one summer at their grandma and grandpa's church. I think this is pretty B.A. Not too many kids do this of their own choosing.
I have never been baptized I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW...hear me out.
My family believes in making your own choices. As far as 84 year olds go my grandpa is pretty liberal - he thinks women can do anything a man can do, just as well if not better. He also believes that marriage is not something to fool with - if you don't think it's going to work out don't get married - just live together. And by all means, don't get married just because you are or got someone pregnant. Like I said - 84, pretty liberal.
So my mom and aunts didn't baptize any of us. Most of us made our own choices and have been baptized. Not me. I am a Christian, Methodist more specifically and I know it isn't necessarily a requirement for the methodist church but I feel very drawn to it, like I need to shout to the whole world.
Carly and I go to church semi-regularly (NO JUDGING)!! And last week I talked to our pastor about her baptism and under my breath I said ...."and me too" She sort of looked at me funny and said "Well of course, we can do it all, have any friends who want to be baptized?" She wasn't joking either - or being all judgey. a few weeks Carly and I will be baptized. I wonder if we can get Mr. T. to go church - probably not, it isn't Christmas or Easter.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tazer and a 12 gauge
I like Valentine's Day (I like holding up my end of a resolution too...but that didn't go so well now did it??) mostly because I like chocolate and fluffy feelings of love and mush. I also like sappy love stories on TV and jewelery commercials - even though I think it is a waste to buy me jewelry considering I wear my wedding ring and the cheapest pair of earrings Silpada has.
I really like Valentine's Day when I get a gift and not the "leave a hint" kind of gift. When Mr. T. does it all on his own like he did when we were in high school. Or when he brings me flowers from the pasture.
Mr. T. was informed that we were not going to celebrate Valentine's Day this year - we would make some supper together and rent a movie. He looked at me sideways. I knew it...he already got me a present.
After a little prodding he finally admitted he got me a present. So he jumped up and ran to our bed room and brought out my gift....a 12 gauge shot gun.
I tried my best to look excited and not horrified. I like to hunt but I wasn't expecting it - especially since we are flat broke.
So imagine my humor when today at lunch the basketball coach excitedly told his wife, the preschool teacher, he got her Valentine's Day present in the mail. She shouldn't open it unless she was very careful. We all made jokes about what it could be....nun chucks, a live animal, etc.
However when she left the room after lunch he told's a tazer. In a few minutes she went to his room and he told her. She said she didn't want it. BAHAHAHAH. Because it made her think of Janet Evanovich's books (One for the Money...etc) BAHAHAHHA and she was afraid her kids might try it out on one another...OH Vaild point.
So, it's nice to know that while my husband tried and failed, at least he tried...and at least he got something one of us will really enjoy.
I really like Valentine's Day when I get a gift and not the "leave a hint" kind of gift. When Mr. T. does it all on his own like he did when we were in high school. Or when he brings me flowers from the pasture.
Mr. T. was informed that we were not going to celebrate Valentine's Day this year - we would make some supper together and rent a movie. He looked at me sideways. I knew it...he already got me a present.
After a little prodding he finally admitted he got me a present. So he jumped up and ran to our bed room and brought out my gift....a 12 gauge shot gun.
I tried my best to look excited and not horrified. I like to hunt but I wasn't expecting it - especially since we are flat broke.
So imagine my humor when today at lunch the basketball coach excitedly told his wife, the preschool teacher, he got her Valentine's Day present in the mail. She shouldn't open it unless she was very careful. We all made jokes about what it could be....nun chucks, a live animal, etc.
However when she left the room after lunch he told's a tazer. In a few minutes she went to his room and he told her. She said she didn't want it. BAHAHAHAH. Because it made her think of Janet Evanovich's books (One for the Money...etc) BAHAHAHHA and she was afraid her kids might try it out on one another...OH Vaild point.
So, it's nice to know that while my husband tried and failed, at least he tried...and at least he got something one of us will really enjoy.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
What season is it?
Note: This post was supposed to go up on 1/19 however I didn't get the scheduler thingy right. Sorry about that.
My husband is an avid hunter. He prefers water fowl hunting over any other type but also enjoys pheasant, quail, dove, deer, rabbit and squirrel hunting as well. I am also a hunter I prefer being warm when I hunt so I don't get to do a lot of it.
I prefer to hunt for good deals and sales, for cheap books for my Kindle, for cute clothes for the baby and for entire rooms on Pinterest I will never be able to afford.
But my favorite season is FCCLA STAR Events season. It's is a true testament of a student's character, if they have started well before the deadlines, if they have their act together. It is how I determine what goes into their scholarship letters and the speeches at the end of the year and the determining factor if I have to break a tie for officer elections.
This is my season of running around crazy and worksheets in all my classes, of crock pot suppers for the husband and cold leftovers for me. My season of sweeping my own classroom because I feel bad for the custodians having to clean up such a huge mess.
This is the time when I hope and pray that they do their best and are happy with the results because they may not be my biological children but I spend more hours a day with them than their parents - they learn to plan for their future and realize their dreams in my classroom. They learn about being a family and how to communicate, we cook, we clean, we get into arguments, we apologize. We are our own special type of family that only spends a few years together, a few years that are special in their own way. A season if you may.
My husband is an avid hunter. He prefers water fowl hunting over any other type but also enjoys pheasant, quail, dove, deer, rabbit and squirrel hunting as well. I am also a hunter I prefer being warm when I hunt so I don't get to do a lot of it.
I prefer to hunt for good deals and sales, for cheap books for my Kindle, for cute clothes for the baby and for entire rooms on Pinterest I will never be able to afford.
But my favorite season is FCCLA STAR Events season. It's is a true testament of a student's character, if they have started well before the deadlines, if they have their act together. It is how I determine what goes into their scholarship letters and the speeches at the end of the year and the determining factor if I have to break a tie for officer elections.
This is my season of running around crazy and worksheets in all my classes, of crock pot suppers for the husband and cold leftovers for me. My season of sweeping my own classroom because I feel bad for the custodians having to clean up such a huge mess.
This is the time when I hope and pray that they do their best and are happy with the results because they may not be my biological children but I spend more hours a day with them than their parents - they learn to plan for their future and realize their dreams in my classroom. They learn about being a family and how to communicate, we cook, we clean, we get into arguments, we apologize. We are our own special type of family that only spends a few years together, a few years that are special in their own way. A season if you may.
Monday, January 9, 2012
I teach about goals - not resolutions so making resolutions is difficult. Also I am really really really disorganized and forgetful. It's not that I don't do my goals it's that I forget I have them.
Don't judge me internets!
Anyways I am making 3 resolutions. Maybe if I call them resolutions they will work - also if I tell the whole world maybe I will have some accountability.
Here we go....
Resolution #1 - Blog once per week.
Let's face it ED4AY was a total flop. I FORGOT....for like 3 weeks!!! That's like forgetting to brush my teeth for 3 weeks, who does that? So I am going to blog one time per week (probably during my planning time or Carly's nap time or at 2am. Whatev I'm going to do it...and I won't forget. I set and alarm in my phone.
Resolution #2 - Have a plan for the garden before going to Arnold's.
Arnold's Greenhouse is where I get all my plants. I tend to be a spontaneous shopper. Tomatillos, really? Black onions, really? It was bad enough when I thought it was a good idea to grow ANYTHING. Also I am going to weed - I said it now internets!!!!
Resolution #3 - Be a better house keeper.
This gets some groan action (GROANNNN not GROIN - get your head out of the gutter). I am a terrible house keeper. Some of you have lived with me - who am I kidding only 3 of you even read this and I have lived with you all. So I am going to start small with doing one thing a day. One load of laundry, one cleaning of the bathroom, one picking up of toys session, one dusting o' the furniture. Things I like to do and will continue to do - sweeping, mopping and vacuuming. Oh yeah! Not a complete failure.
So I like clean floors...don't judge me. Actually, I like not bleaching my socks :) Ulterior motives!
Now there will be accountability inernets!
Don't judge me internets!
Anyways I am making 3 resolutions. Maybe if I call them resolutions they will work - also if I tell the whole world maybe I will have some accountability.
Here we go....
Resolution #1 - Blog once per week.
Let's face it ED4AY was a total flop. I FORGOT....for like 3 weeks!!! That's like forgetting to brush my teeth for 3 weeks, who does that? So I am going to blog one time per week (probably during my planning time or Carly's nap time or at 2am. Whatev I'm going to do it...and I won't forget. I set and alarm in my phone.
Resolution #2 - Have a plan for the garden before going to Arnold's.
Arnold's Greenhouse is where I get all my plants. I tend to be a spontaneous shopper. Tomatillos, really? Black onions, really? It was bad enough when I thought it was a good idea to grow ANYTHING. Also I am going to weed - I said it now internets!!!!
Resolution #3 - Be a better house keeper.
This gets some groan action (GROANNNN not GROIN - get your head out of the gutter). I am a terrible house keeper. Some of you have lived with me - who am I kidding only 3 of you even read this and I have lived with you all. So I am going to start small with doing one thing a day. One load of laundry, one cleaning of the bathroom, one picking up of toys session, one dusting o' the furniture. Things I like to do and will continue to do - sweeping, mopping and vacuuming. Oh yeah! Not a complete failure.
So I like clean floors...don't judge me. Actually, I like not bleaching my socks :) Ulterior motives!
Now there will be accountability inernets!
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Welcome to my world. Nothing too exciting going on here....I am a teacher and enjoy telling my friends about the interesting things that happen in my daily life. I find the most pleasure in the simple things that occur daily. Like the brilliant sunsets as I drive home from work or the way Maggie whimpers and paws when she dreams in the kitchen or the way Cody starts my car when he leaves for work just because he knows I don't like to be cold.