Monday, August 4, 2014

We grew a people and stuff

I had a baby in May. Yes, my husband helped with the production of the baby and was present and accounted for at all important events, but the having of the baby was all mine. I take the glory, BAHBHABA! (imagine an evil laugh sound)

So we went to the hospital at 6 am. BOOOOO! Pitocin started about 7:45 and we were off and rolling. Great nurses as usual, and it isn't at all weird to have a high school classmate check your cervix, not weird at all.

About 10:30 the contractions started registering pretty good. Cody started to ask me intermittently if I was alright. He is such a sweetie. He was watching HGTV and I was half paying attention to it.

The other nurse knew the contractions were getting stronger, I was most definitely not as smiley as usual. 

At 11:00 I was checked and told that I was progressed to a 4, I asked if she could order the epidural. At 11:30 the most glorious person in the whole hospital arrived - the anesthesiologist.

This epidural was MUCH better than the last one, but this time my left leg fell asleep, weird. Just like last time I had a "window" which is a spot where you can still feel contractions. No biggie to me, I just wanted some of the edge off.

I am a sissy and turn in to an incredibly unpleasant person under certian circumstances - hunger, sleepiness and unrelenting contractions.

Cody's mom brought him lunch. Some of my friends have demanded that their significant others not eat during labor because they can't eat. I am not that kind of person, my husband also gets hangry (hungry/angry) and I wanted him perky and happy. Also my body is a total machine when it comes to pitocin, I just crank out that baby.

At about 1:00 the nurse checked me and called the Dr. The nurse was surprised my water hadn't broken on it's own. Dr. broke it and I got my push on.

3 pushes later and we had a baby with NO tearing....Dr. did make a comment about my lady parts and road rash but I am going to pretend that didn't happen.

Per the usual, the placenta took about 1000 times longer to expel itself than our cute little guy did. So in between the Dr. tugging on the placenta and massaging my stomach to try and coax it out, we all continued to cuddle the baby and watch HGTV.

Aiden Lee arrived at 1:21 pm, weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces and 21 1/2 inches in lenght. He is a heck of an eater and took right to it. We were able to come home just over 24 hours.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I cannot wait to meet the new human being you made!! Home soon! Love, Jamie

Welcome to my world. Nothing too exciting going on here....I am a teacher and enjoy telling my friends about the interesting things that happen in my daily life. I find the most pleasure in the simple things that occur daily. Like the brilliant sunsets as I drive home from work or the way Maggie whimpers and paws when she dreams in the kitchen or the way Cody starts my car when he leaves for work just because he knows I don't like to be cold.