Monday, March 3, 2014

Supper is ready!

We have an awesome daycare provider. Bonnie lets the kids help in the garden, she does crafts, works with them on letters, colors, shapes, manners, shoe tying, sharing. All this from a homebased daycare - we are blessed.

We are also blessed that Bonnie teaches the kids things like properly washing hands after pottying, sneezing into the elbow instead of all over the person next to you, using a fork and spoon for the appropriate foods and sit in a chair. We do it at home but reinforcing it at daycare is such a help.

Bonnie also does fire drills. In Kansas this is required and you have to keep track of them, just like we do at the school I teach at. So when Cody opened the oven door and the heat set the kitchen smoke detector off Carly knew what to do.

She promptly said "We need to go outside. At Bonnies you go outside by the tree when it goes BEEP BEEP."

My husband responded "Well, at home when it goes BEEP BEEP, supper is ready."

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Welcome to my world. Nothing too exciting going on here....I am a teacher and enjoy telling my friends about the interesting things that happen in my daily life. I find the most pleasure in the simple things that occur daily. Like the brilliant sunsets as I drive home from work or the way Maggie whimpers and paws when she dreams in the kitchen or the way Cody starts my car when he leaves for work just because he knows I don't like to be cold.