I know that at 27 this should not be on my mind but it is.
There are several things that are making me feel old currently - here is an abridged version.
1. I graduated high school 10 years ago in August. 10 years ago right now my biggest worries were finding the right dress for prom, deciding on a major, getting my STAR Event finalized for competition, finding a birthday present for my boyfriend and hoping I would be accepted into Clovia. Occasionally I still worry about finding a dress for prom and what I am getting my husband for his birthday.
2.. Facebook is almost 10 years old...as it the same year I graduated high school FB was born. (February 4th to be exact)
3. My husband is going to be 30 in less than a month. I always felt like hitting the big 3-0 was more adult like than being 18 or 21. This means I am married to an adult. YIKES - good thing he is cute.
4. Things that happened in my lifetime that I think were just yesterday are no longer in the "miscellaneous" category for scholars bowl but in the "science", "history" and "language arts" portions of the scholars bowl meets. They are novel things that the kids don't know. WTF?? How do you not know that we used to have nine planets and that it was called Pluto?
5. You have to SUBSCRIBE to the Boomerang channel to watch "old" cartoons like Bugs Bunny, Looney Toons, Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, Sylvester and Tweety. This seems borderline blasphemous.
6. My former students are getting married and/or having children ON PURPOSE! They are actively procreating. That is so weird.
7. My students have heard of Usher and know a few of his newer songs but have no idea he had some sweet raps back in the day and was full of soul on his My Way CD. I have kept very few of my CDs. I am going to make like Rick Astley and never give that one up.
8. Radio stations now call it "Classic 90's" music.
9. I blew a kid's mind one day. They had this awesome rap song from "a cray long time ago" so I listened to it. Oh Marky Mark, be still my beating heart. When the kids learned that Marky Mark was Mark Wahlberg they were aghast. Then to find out his brother was in NKOTB. OMG!!! It was a day of true revelations - I am proud to have brought them to the light.
The list could go on and on for days but I am tired and that is 10. I am so stinking tired all the time. When did this happen?
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