I am a super slacker, actually I haven't been slacking at all (just with this)
I greatly under estimated how much time this baby AND work AND Hubs in skoo AND spending 4 days a week would take.
So here is a one sentence run down of the last few weeks - in reverse order.
Sept 14 - Volleyball games VS Burlington and The YC. Crest lost both :(
Sept 13 - Carly took off crawling at Aundi's. Right over to Koi's big pile of cows and totally belly flopped on them and started chewing the heck outta that big ole pile of bovine.
Sept 12 - Monday...uhhhh. But Carly started crawling so that is nice - for now.
Sept 11 - Heading back from OK. Stopped to see Dad and also stopped at Mom's.
Sept 10 - In OK. Cody did good and bought a very tasty and very cheap bottle of wine. I don't buy wine that is more than $10 unless it is a special occassion - or a box.
Sept 9 - Homecoming - I didn't go but I did help prepare for it. Carly and I went to see Cody in OK.
Sept 8 - Stayed for the middle school game. The did great - I am not ashamed to say that Abby is SUCH A BETTER COACH! Those girls are lucky to have her.
Sept 7 -
Sept 6 - Dislike the Tuesday after a holiday. Always makes the week all wonky.
Sept 5 - Decorated for fall - my favorite season.
Sept 4 - Cody helped with Seth and Andrea's house some more and we went to Mom's for supper.
Sept 3 - Didn't do a whole lot - went to Seth and Andreas. Their house is coming along.
Sept 2 - Football game at SCC - we lost :( But Carly REALLY liked watching.
Sept 1 - I have no clue what happened to day or the day before - too long ago.
August 31 - I don't remember. Surely something good and something lame happened.
August 30 - My friend Andrea is 26 today!!
August 29 - Still doing the Take AIM thing - best one I have been too.
August 28 - Take AIM with students. Go FCCLA!
August 27 - Sicky baby. 102 fever - runny nose, coughing. I think it is teeth.
August 26 - Thank goodness for Friday. I don't remember much about this day but the week before but it was LONG!