4:30AM Up, Cody made biscuits and gravy while I showered and showed Maggie some mega love before putting her in her pen.
6:00AM Arrived at to check in for induction.
7:00AM Hooked up and Pitocin started. 2cm dialated, no contractions.
9:30AM At 4cm, contractions registering at 70's and 80's 2-3 minutes apart. Dr didn't want to slow Pitocin down and suggested I might be going fast and to get Epidural now.
10:30AM Epidural done and Dr broke water.
Epidural experiance: Anestesiologist (sp?) was checking on another lady next door so the nurses told him about me and he went and got his stuff then came right in! Told us all the things that could happen (may not work, may work on one side only, can cause a spinal headache if..etc) then he began. I bent forward and dropped my shoulders and put my chin to chest, he put a finger between 2 vertebrae low in my back and told me to arch my back against it, then gave a small shot to numb the spot for the cathater to go in. Told me to take a deep breath and then small ones and focus on breathing not the pressure on my back. I was squeezing Cody's hand so hard he was cringing but I couldn't see because my head was down...then the doctor said "Oh Shit" and I almost jerked...the catheter wasn't going in right and he just had to start it again. Not a big deal but I thought it was and got really tense which he sensed and told me what was going on. He then taped the catheter up my back and over my shoulder then hooked up the drip. In about 5 minutes my legs felt tingly and heavy.
11:00AM Put in Foley catheter. Legs were very heavy but could still move ankles and slide legs back and forth. Still at 4cm but baby bump was visibly lower and I was only feeling pressure at the top of uterus an not real contractions which were 1-2 minutes apart.
11:30AM Feeling great, getting sleepy. Told Cody if he wanted to eat lunch he should do it now. Connie brought him lunch.
12:30PM Cat napping. Left leg still tingly and heavy. Right leg completely dead. Feeling same pressure as before.
2:00PM Have been feeling an achiness in left hip, left leg is less numb, right leg still dead and pressure only with really hard contractions. 7cm dilated.
From here on out the time line gets a little sketchy. I was talking to Cody and felt a contraction so I looked at the monitor and the nurse (Debra) was looking at it too...her heart rate dropped to 90's after contraction it should have gone back up to 140's but it didn't. She called for another nurse (Andette), Debra watched monitor while Andette and Cody rolled me to my left side...no change, rolled me to right side...no change. Debra calls Dr and says "Can you come down I have details" I begin to think that something is wrong. While waiting all of 1 minute for the doctor Andette and Cody are still moving me around and putting the bed up and down to try to get her heart rate to change and Debra is wheeling stuff into the room, everyone looks serious.
Dr comes in and checks me and says I'm ready to push (WHAT!! LIKE 10 MINUTES AGO I WAS AT 7CM!!) The nurses take the bottom off of the bad and lift the stirrups. Dr tells me to push down like I need to poop as he is getting the gown on. Pushed through 4 more contractions and her head was out. Cleaned her mouth and nose, one more push and her body was out, Cody cut the cord, they put her on my chest and rubbed her hard and she cried. Then I cried.
Took her over to warmer to clean her off and check Apgar Scale while placenta was delivered and Cody ran out to waiting room to tell his mom and my mom she was already here.
Ta da!

Doesn't he make pretty babies!

1 comment:
Best arts and crafts project ever!! :)
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