Monday, October 11, 2010

Pump it up!

This is my "milking machine" as Grandpa Cope so lovingly puts it. The best's from him! He's also pleased that I'm already "leaking"...not that we have had a sit down conversation about this or anything, but I talked to Mom about it and she told the Aunts and well, now the whole family knows, so why not THE INTERNETS too?!?!

"Why is he pleased," you may ask? Because Grandpa Cope always likes to compare things to farming and what is better on a farm than a good ole momma cow with plenty of milk? I personally think there are lots of things better, but it is nice to know that I should be able to feed Baby T right from the beginning.

1 comment:

Jamie S. said...

Yea for breast milk! Kayla, you should breast feed until Baby T is four, at least. All the cool moms in third-world countries are doing it. Really. It's the best thing you can do for your baby. That, and CLOTH DIAPERS! I know I'm moving to South America soon, but what if I agreed to come over for like three days and sew/wash cloth diapers for you? Love you, keep the updates coming! We sail from Papeete tomorrow morning...

Welcome to my world. Nothing too exciting going on here....I am a teacher and enjoy telling my friends about the interesting things that happen in my daily life. I find the most pleasure in the simple things that occur daily. Like the brilliant sunsets as I drive home from work or the way Maggie whimpers and paws when she dreams in the kitchen or the way Cody starts my car when he leaves for work just because he knows I don't like to be cold.