Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Are those bricks?

I have a thing for bricks. My home town has brick roads around the historic town square - they were there before the Wizard of Oz made brick roads and Kansas THE COOOLEST THANG EVER!

See those fancy brick roads, red brick not yellow.


No one ever notices that there is red brick swirling with the yellow - where they heck do you think the red bricks go? Home, maybe? Perhaps.

Today we are talking about different bricks. Ones that my doctor thinks are in my purse.

You see, I have had some weight fluctuation this pregnancy. The day I found out we were expecting I weighed 146 pounds. The day of our 12 week appointment I weighed 131 pounds.

(did you hear the whann whann whann sound effects?) 

So my doctor has been keeping this as a point of concern and monitoring it closely along with my blood pressure to make sure everything is going well. Blood pressure has stayed low, heartbeat strong, and while weight gain hasn't been as good as with Carly, it is creeping up. Last week I weighed 157 with 3 weeks to go, this week I weighed 165.

"WHATTTT?" That can't be right, I have been eating the same. Strange.

As I lay down on the table to be measured and hear Little Brother's heartbeat I realized what happened and started laughing.

My doctor asked what was the matter and I told him I knew why I weighed so much. Because I had gotten on the scale with my purse on.

He sighed, smiled and rolled his eyes "What do you have in there? Bricks?" 

Friday, April 4, 2014


My family loves hominy - well most of us. In case you live under a rock and do not know about this delicious treat I will provide you with some knowledge.

 Hominy is: field corn (maize) grain is dried, then treated by soaking and cooking the mature (hard) grain in a dilute solution of slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) or wood ash, a process termed nixtamalization. The soaked maize is washed, and then ground into masa. When fresh masa is dried and powdered, it becomes masa seca or masa harina.

 File:Hominy (maize).JPG

(according to the smartest/least reliable website on the intranets)  - Wikipedia

We eat a lot of hominy - okay, I eat a lot of hominy, Cody will take a bite or two if it is in something and one day Carly eats it all and the next she doesn't like it. She's three - she is trying to assert her authority.

Why all the jabber about hominy? Today Carly was singing "He is hominy in all the world"  I couldn't figure it out. Then I realized she is singing "Peace and harmony in all the world!" She loves hymnals and we sing Kumbaya in church. Peppa Pig (cartoon) sings Peace and Harmony to the tune of Kumbaya.

Confirmed - she has her mother's musical ear. I know a tune, but not the words.
Welcome to my world. Nothing too exciting going on here....I am a teacher and enjoy telling my friends about the interesting things that happen in my daily life. I find the most pleasure in the simple things that occur daily. Like the brilliant sunsets as I drive home from work or the way Maggie whimpers and paws when she dreams in the kitchen or the way Cody starts my car when he leaves for work just because he knows I don't like to be cold.