Lately I have been itching to go...somewhere....anywhere...just not there. Where is there? Senior trip. There has been some *ahhumm* turn over this school year and the teacher that was the Senior Class Sponsor is no longer employed here. So who is the sucker that agreed to take over? Insert a sigh, with my head hanging down and a dunce hat on that says "SUCKER" on it.
I had a fantastic time on my senior trip and wanted these students to do the same. They shouldn't get a crappy senior trip just because an adult messed up and was relieved of their duties. So after learning that no plans were made WHAT SO EVER for this trip (or for graduation) we are going to St. Louis, taking the Amtrak to the STL and then doing some wicked fun things, because, hey...teachers want to have a good time too right?!?! RIGHT!!! If I have to take 13 kids across the state then I am going to have a heckofa good time too.
I will let you know how it goes. Not looking for any medals here, just some sympathy and a few prayers for my sanity, and maybe for the children because if they are causing a ruckus at 3:00 in the morning so help me.....