Tuesday, January 24, 2012

What season is it?

Note: This post was supposed to go up on 1/19 however I didn't get the scheduler thingy right. Sorry about that.

My husband is an avid hunter. He prefers water fowl hunting over any other type but also enjoys pheasant,  quail, dove, deer, rabbit and squirrel hunting as well. I am also a hunter I prefer being warm when I hunt so I don't get to do a lot of it.

I prefer to hunt for good deals and sales, for cheap books for my Kindle, for cute clothes for the baby and for entire rooms on Pinterest I will never be able to afford.

But my favorite season is FCCLA STAR Events season. It's is a true testament of a student's character, if they have started well before the deadlines, if they have their act together. It is how I determine what goes into their scholarship letters and the speeches at the end of the year and the determining factor if I have to break a tie for officer elections.

This is my season of running around crazy and worksheets in all my classes, of crock pot suppers for the husband and cold leftovers for me. My season of sweeping my own classroom because I feel bad for the custodians having to clean up such a huge mess.

This is the time when I hope and pray that they do their best and are happy with the results because they may not be my biological children but I spend more hours a day with them than their parents - they learn to plan for their future and realize their dreams in my classroom. They learn about being a family and how to communicate, we cook, we clean, we get into arguments, we apologize. We are our own special type of family that only spends a few years together, a few years that are special in their own way. A season if you may.

Monday, January 9, 2012


I teach about goals - not resolutions so making resolutions is difficult. Also I am really really really disorganized and forgetful. It's not that I don't do my goals it's that I forget I have them.
Don't judge me internets!

Anyways I am making 3 resolutions. Maybe if I call them resolutions they will work - also if I tell the whole world maybe I will have some accountability.

Here we go....
Resolution #1 - Blog once per week.
Let's face it ED4AY was a total flop. I FORGOT....for like 3 weeks!!! That's like forgetting to brush my teeth for 3 weeks, who does that? So I am going to blog one time per week (probably during my planning time or Carly's nap time or at 2am. Whatev I'm going to do it...and I won't forget. I set and alarm in my phone.

Resolution #2 - Have a plan for the garden before going to Arnold's.
Arnold's Greenhouse is where I get all my plants. I tend to be a spontaneous shopper. Tomatillos, really? Black onions, really? It was bad enough when I thought it was a good idea to grow ANYTHING. Also I am going to weed - I said it now internets!!!!

Resolution #3 - Be a better house keeper.
This gets some groan action (GROANNNN not GROIN - get your head out of the gutter). I am a terrible house keeper. Some of you have lived with me - who am I kidding only 3 of you even read this and I have lived with you all. So I am going to start small with doing one thing a day. One load of laundry, one cleaning of the bathroom, one picking up of toys session, one dusting o' the furniture. Things I like to do and will continue to do - sweeping, mopping and vacuuming. Oh yeah! Not a complete failure.

So I like clean floors...don't judge me. Actually, I like not bleaching my socks :) Ulterior motives!

Now there will be accountability inernets!
Welcome to my world. Nothing too exciting going on here....I am a teacher and enjoy telling my friends about the interesting things that happen in my daily life. I find the most pleasure in the simple things that occur daily. Like the brilliant sunsets as I drive home from work or the way Maggie whimpers and paws when she dreams in the kitchen or the way Cody starts my car when he leaves for work just because he knows I don't like to be cold.