There are little things in life we take for granted and don't even know...a mid afternoon nap, being able to pee when you choose, sleeping through a whole night because you chose too and some other fireworks on the 4th of July. Being a mommy means missing some of the little fireworks on the 4th of July. (Yes I realize that this time stamp says there are 2 hours until the "actual" 4th, I don't plan on being awake then)
Carly likes the fire works as long as they aren't too loud. She watched about 5 of the big ones until she got cranky. She smiled and kicked every time one of the big ones went off and just like her mommy she got the most excited about the 'crackle' ones.
I should not be telling the internets this but my family likes to shoot off fireworks when there is snow on the ground....why? Because it's FREAKING GORGEOUS!!!
Think about it....gazillions of tiny reflecting particles covering everything, absolute silence, a light chill in the air and then all of the sudden the silence is broken by an enormous eruption of sound and color, you don't even have to be looking at the deep black sky to see what color was created because the gazillions of tiny reflecting particles have put you INSIDE a January disco ball. You instantly feel warm because your mind is tricked into thinking it is July. Soon the phone is ringing and the neighbors are calling saying they have some fireworks left over in the garage and want to know if you are going to be out for a while....within 15 minutes 20 more eskimos are sitting on the porch with a hot toddie waiting for another piece of ply wood to be found in the barn so the arsenal can be assembled for a midnight show.
Is that safe you ask? Why of drinks, snowy conditions, fireworks....sounds like a typical christmas/new years eve to me!
Sometimes in winter when the radiant sunset casts a glitter of pink, orange and yellow I close my eyes and let my face be warmed by the sun and it feels like fireworks on the 4th of July.